The Battle of Long Knife Military Conflict in Oros | World Anvil
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The Battle of Long Knife

One of the last major battles of The Celestial War.

As Solomon - God of Life led the forces of light with exceptional leadership and the newfound power of magic, the Battle of Long Knife marked a decisive turning point in the war against the dark and demonic forces. In a head-to-head confrontation with Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa, Solomon's forces swiftly overwhelmed the dark forces, showcasing the vast power difference between a primordial god and a mere creation. Bellerophon, defeated for the second time, vanished from the war.   With Bellerophon's defeat, the dark forces splintered, and Solomon relentlessly pursued and engaged any remaining remnants. His blade became a symbol of divine justice, cutting down all opposition. The light forces pressed their advantage, reclaiming territory and consolidating their hold on key strategic positions. Solomon's leadership and the mastery of magic brought hope to those fighting against the darkness, as each victory strengthened the confidence of the light forces in overcoming the remaining obstacles and ending the age of silence.
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