The Celestial War in Oros | World Anvil
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The Celestial War

The Celestial War was the great war between the forces of light, the forces of darkness and later the demonic forces. The war resulting in the Cataclysm.

It also saw the birth of Magic and Types and many notable races such as the Humans, Dragonborn, Aarakocra and many more.

The Celestial War lasted from 9000 BC - 0 BC. The forces of light were of Holactie - The Creator of Light, but lead by her servant and supreme commander of the light forces Archlord Kristya. The forces of darkness were led by Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa. The demonic forces were led by Asophiel- Lord of Hell.


  In the celestial expanse, a prolonged silence descended, and within this cosmic hush, Grapha- God of Death & Darkness, contemplated the fate of the realms. From the depths of his brooding thoughts, he forged Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa, a malevolent entity bestowed with a singular purpose — to shroud the world in an unrelenting cloak of total darkness, Aaglafa. Bellerophon, a being of shadow and malice, stealthily infiltrated the celestial sanctuary of Elysium, the bastion of light, aiming to undermine the forces that stood against his nefarious design.

Recognizing that the luminous grip of light needed weakening before the impending strike, Bellerophon, with cunning and guile, initiated a campaign of corruption. His insidious influence reached deep into the ranks of the servants of light, sowing seeds of discord and dissent. Patiently, he festered darkness within the hearts of those sworn to uphold the celestial balance.

  Having meticulously orchestrated the destabilization of Elysium, Bellerophon orchestrated a surprise assault upon the sky island. The element of unpredictability became his weapon, and chaos ensued as the forces of light found themselves beset by a foe born from the very shadows they sought to dispel. The clash between light and dark erupted in fierce battles, leaving the once pristine sanctuary scarred and wounded.

  With a triumphant retreat into the Shadow Realm, Bellerophon left Elysium in disarray. The celestial war, fueled by the conflict between the forces of light and the encroaching darkness, had been set into motion. The fate of the cosmos hung in the balance as the realms prepared for the tumult that would define an era of celestial turmoil.

The celestial war took a dramatic turn with the betrayal of Tiamat- Goddess of Vengeance, who rebelled against the light forces due to grievances with their leadership. Despite attempts by the Archons to stop her, they were unable to defeat Tiamat, leading to a desperate decision to seal her away. During this clash, Tiamat's words planted doubt in the second in command of the light forces Asophiel- Lord of Hell's heart, eventually leading to his rebellion against the light.

Asophiel's rebellion, supported by key Archons like Zeradias the Subjugator, Voltanis, Zerato the Killer, Asmodeus , Vala, and Oneiros the Destroyer, resulted in a grand ritual sacrifice known as the Morthraxis. They sacrificed 100 million lives to gain immense power, transforming into darker, corrupted versions of themselves. Asophiel created Infernia, the Realm of Torment, where eternal suffering prevailed.

  This rebellion fractured the unity of the light forces, revealing the vulnerability of the Archons to corruption. Asophiel's followers, once Celestial beings, became Demons. The creation of Infernia posed a formidable threat to the light, as Asophiel and his demonic forces aimed to extinguish the light and seize control over all realms. The celestial war entered a new phase, marked by internal strife and a powerful adversary emerging from within the ranks of the once-unified light forces. A war of three forces hell-bent on destroying the other.

The Battle of Nightmares, where the three main forces—light led by Archlord Kristya, dark led by Bellerophon, and demons under Asophiel—clashed in a fierce confrontation. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious entity named Yubel emerged, embodying the collective wishes of the deceased and proving to be a formidable threat. The forces united against Yubel, but even their combined might struggled against its power. In the Battle of the Spire Bellerophon and Archlord Kristya would be slain by Yubel but not before dealing a one last blow on their last breathes thus defeating Yubel, Yubel was finally defeated.

  Following Yubel's demise, Asophiel collected its remnants, leaving a void in the power dynamics of the war-torn continent. Cálecelos - God of Change, played a pivotal role in shaping the course of events, He would cause the emergence of Magic and Types to fuel his influence. Solomon - God of Life, recognizing the threat posed by Cálecelos, descended onto the mortal plane in the void of Archlord Kristya to lead the forces of light against the dark and demonic forces.   As the war progressed, Solomon's involvement and the infusion of magic into the world shifted the balance of power. The Battle of Long Knife became a decisive victory for the light forces, with Solomon defeating Bellerophon. The dark forces splintered, and Solomon, with relentless determination, pursued and engaged the remaining dark forces. The war continued, marked by Solomon's leadership and the mastery of magic by the light forces.   In a significant battle between Asophiel and Solomon, the latter's extended stay on the mortal plane weakened him. Asophiel proved to be a formidable adversary, and in a shocking turn of events, Solomon was betrayed by his trusted ally, who revealed himself to be Cálecelos in disguise. Cálecelos fatally wounded Solomon, leading to a catastrophic explosion that unleashed the Cataclysm.   Solomon's death marked the end of the Celestial War, triggering widespread destruction. The world was thrown into chaos, with volcanic eruptions and natural disasters reshaping the landscape. The Celestial War, which had endured for so long, came to a tumultuous and cataclysmic conclusion, leaving a lasting impact on the realms and the history of the world.

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