The Battle of Nightmares Military Conflict in Oros | World Anvil
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The Battle of Nightmares

The Battle of Nightmares is one of major battles of The Celestial War.

The Battle of Nightmares marked a turning point in the war, bringing together the forces of light, led by Archlord Kristya, the dark, led by Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa, and the demons under Asophiel- Lord of Hell. Amidst the epic clash, a mysterious pebble absorbed the essence of fallen beings, transforming into a powerful orb named Yubel. It exploded, wiping out lower life forms and giving rise to a dual-gendered entity embodying order, chaos, light, dark, and torment.

  Recognizing Yubel's threat, the three forces united against it, but Yubel proved formidable, causing months of devastating battles and claiming many lives. Despite their efforts, Yubel revealed a horrifying chimera form, incorporating features of all it had consumed. The united forces, facing overwhelming odds, managed to inflict fatal wounds on Yubel, but it continued its rampage uncontested as Bellerophon, Asophiel, and Kristya retreated.
Conflict Type

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