Tlemcenians Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Tlemcenians (Lem-sea-ian)

One of the twelve Human kingdoms during the time of Sieghardt- God Emperor. They would later become the nation of Hochland.

The Tlemcenians were master hunters and had a culture centered around it, they were a people that conducted sacrifices to aid in their hunts. They believed in Dyre, Reseyr and Khaine- God of Murder of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

The Tlemcenians told Sieghardt that they would join him if he appeased their god, by slaying his wolf Cllebruaus and sacrificing a innocent virgin maiden, and several other unreasonable choices. Sieghardt refused all of these and instead told them that he would slay the Dragon that resides in the wicked forest. A forest of sickness that kills all that come near. The dragon plagued the land and the Tlemcenians didn't believe he was capable and thought he was mad, but they told him to offer a grand sacrifice to aid in his suicide. Instead Sieghardt told them that the gods were already on his side and walked into the forest with nothing but his flesh and bones. And when he reemerged from the forest, he had naught a single scratch on him, and in his hand the head of the dragon. The Tlemcenians seeing that Sieghardt was chosen by the gods, then swore their loyalty to him.

Their capital was named Sallen and would later be called Hergwig.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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