Uruk the Great Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Uruk the Great (Oo-Ruk)

Uruk the Great was a legendary figure and the first Orc Overlord who rose to power and united the orc tribes under his rule. As his name suggests, he was a towering and imposing presence, known for his immense size, strength and intellect(compared to a orc). Uruk possessed a commanding presence that inspired fear and awe among his followers.

  Physically, Uruk exhibited distinct features commonly associated with orcs. He had a rugged and muscular build, with broad shoulders and powerful limbs that were honed through years of warfare and conquest. His skin was rough and often marked with scars from numerous battles, displaying his resilience and endurance.   Uruk's countenance reflected his fierce and relentless nature. He had a prominent, jutting jawline, sharp teeth, and piercing, intense eyes that seemed to radiate both authority and brutality. His hair, usually kept short or in braids, showcased his status as a leader.   What set Uruk apart from other orcs was his insatiable hunger for power and immortality. Driven by this desire, Uruk had developed a unique ability known as the "great gluit," which allowed him to absorb the powers of other beings by consuming them. This attribute further enhanced his physical might and granted him extended longevity.   Despite his ferocity and thirst for dominance, Uruk possessed cunning and strategic prowess. He understood the art of war and was a master tactician, using his knowledge to orchestrate the orc forces and conquer vast territories. Uruk's leadership and ability to unite the disparate orc tribes under his banner were crucial factors in their rapid expansion and dominance.   However, Uruk's obsession with immortality eventually consumed him. His quest for eternal life led him to consume not only elves but also other orcs, lizards, and even corrupted shadow beasts. This insatiable hunger and disregard for his responsibilities as an overlord ultimately led to the decline of the orc empire.   Uruk the Great's legacy lies in his transformative impact on orc society and the unification of the orc tribes. He will forever be remembered as a formidable figure whose thirst for power and immortality ultimately led to his downfall and the eventual defeat of the orc empire.

Tenets of Faith

Among the Orc Deities, Uruk is the most worshipped and seen as the most powerful. Uruk is the deity of the Marauder Tribe for his great plundering and greed for more. But because of his divine status as the first Overlord and seen as the father of Orc society, he is worshipped by all tribes even if at a lesser extent.
Chaotic Evil
19532 BC 18010 BC 1522 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Tehenhauin
Near the Shadow Realm
Place of Death
His Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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