Oros The Birth of War
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The Birth of War

Military: War


The orcs have come.

After the creation of the orcs they spent 200 years near the shadow realm. They lived by destroying, pillaging and ruling over one another. They knew of only themselves and no one knew of their existence, even Solomon. The elves were slow breeders and the lizardfolk even slower. While the orcs were rapid breeders. In those 200 years the orcs had grown to such a size that they outnumbered the elves and lizardfolk combined. But they were still within the shadow realm's shadow, a forbidden place to the lizards and elves. This would be until after years of fragmented tribes they would be united under the first orc overlord. Uruk the Great. Uruk would be the first to unite the orcs and proposed a question that had never been asked before. What was outside the shadow? And so they ventured outside the shadow for the first time and encountered the elves. They immediately brought war upon the elves. The orcs were masters of war. They mined the earth, they chopped the trees, they built weapons, they had forges worked by slaves and they ravaged the land. They were the definition of war and it was all they knew of. The elves had only ever fought some hostile beasts and were completely unprepared for the war-born orcs. The first elf to be killed was a young girl by the name of Eladar, who was in the forest gathering herbs. When the elves learned of this, they became furious and dedicated much to the young girl. The king of Aneria at the time was Tyrifin. Tyrifin spoke a three hour long speech on dedicating the year and a holiday to Eladar, transitioning the peaceful society into a kingdom dedicated to vengeance.

The orcs under Uruk were unstoppable. In a short span of time the orcs were able to conquer all of eastern Aneria. The elves under Tyrifin outmatched the orcs in most things . But this was fruitless against the orc's superior war tech and strength. After a few years from the start of the war, most of Aneria had been lost, but by this point the elves had adapted and the orc war machine had slowed down.

During this time, the orcs copulated with elven slaves, leading to the birth of goblins who became the slaves and grunts of the orcs. The goblins served as an additional force in the orc army. The elves, realizing the importance of training and preparation, tirelessly worked to retake their lands.

When the orcs struck Aneria again, this time with goblin forces, the elves managed to hold them back for a while, but they were outnumbered and unable to sustain their defense indefinitely. The orcs launched wave after wave of attacks, resulting in heavy casualties for both sides.

Meanwhile, Uruk the Great, driven by his desire for eternal life, was absent from the battles as he focused on consuming elves to obtain their long life. Uruk possessed a unique stomach called the Great Gluit, which allowed him to absorb the powers of other beings. His quest for eternal power and longevity further fueled his ambition to remain in power indefinitely.

The war between the orcs and the elves reached a stalemate, with neither side gaining a decisive advantage. The orcs, despite their initial dominance, faced a resilient elven resistance. The conflict would continue to shape the destiny of Oros and its inhabitants, with Uruk the Great at the center of the orcish empire's ambitions and struggles.

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