Orc Species in Oros | World Anvil
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The Orcs, a formidable and savage race, emerged from the depths of corruption within the once-proud Elven civilization of Aneria. Born from the taint of the Shadow Realm, they embody darkness, chaos, and unrelenting aggression. Once noble and graceful, they were twisted and reshaped into a fearsome species that bears little resemblance to their former Elven kin. Orcs possess a hulking and imposing stature, towering above many other races. Their muscular frames are wrapped in coarse, mottled skin that ranges in hues from sickly greens to deep, earthy browns. Their visages are distorted, with jutting underbites, jagged tusks, and eyes that burn with a sinister, feral glimmer. Matted and tangled manes of coarse hair cascade down their backs, adding to their fearsome appearance.   Fueled by an insatiable hunger for power and domination, Orcs embody relentless brutality and aggression. Their society is centered around martial prowess and the pursuit of conquest. Each Orc is born into a world of constant conflict, honing their skills in battle from a young age. They relish the thrill of combat, embracing both physical strength and ruthless cunning as they lay waste to their enemies.   Corrupted by the twisted energies of the Shadow Realm, Orcs have an innate connection to the forces of darkness. They harness this corrupted magic to augment their physical abilities, infusing their strikes with malevolent energy and channeling dark spells to unleash chaos upon their foes. The very essence of the Shadow Realm pulses through their veins, fueling their relentless drive and resilience in combat.   Orcish society is organized around a strict hierarchical structure, where the strongest and most ruthless warriors rise to positions of leadership. Warchiefs command respect and obedience, rallying their clans under a banner of bloodlust and conquest. Tribal customs and rituals, steeped in dark traditions and brutal tests of strength, shape their daily lives and define their sense of identity.   Despite their outwardly aggressive nature, Orcs possess a deep sense of loyalty and camaraderie within their clans. They forge unbreakable bonds forged in the crucible of battle, relying on each other's strength and unwavering commitment. Their fierce kinship and loyalty are unmatched, and they value their collective strength above all else.   Orcs are also very deceitful as they will backstab you more times than they will fight for you. Orcs are constantly weighing whos strongest and if any sign a weakness is shown, they will strike.   While the Orcs may have been born from corruption, a glimmer of their Elven heritage lingers deep within. Echoes of their once-illustrious past occasionally surface, revealing flickers of compassion, honor, and artistic talent. However, these remnants are overshadowed by the pervasive darkness that courses through their veins, driving them relentlessly toward conquest and the pursuit of power.   The presence of Orcs brings an air of dread and fear, as their arrival heralds devastation and destruction. They are a force to be reckoned with, driven by their insatiable thirst for dominance and their insidious ties to the Shadow Realm. The Orcs stand as a testament to the corrupting influence of darkness and the tragic consequences it can inflict upon even the noblest of races.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Orcs are highly mutatious and their bodies adapt very quickly. They can adapt to pretty much anything if exposed long enough to it.
Some Orcs can Have long ears, longer teeth, smarter, dumber, faster, bigger, darker and many other traits that can shape how they perform. There is no set determiner for when it comes to orcs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs are considered an adult as young as 12 years old and are generally expected to fight as early as 7. Most Orcs die in combat or due to mistakes paid to low intelligence, but they are considered 'old' if they reach the age of 50. Their maximum life is 80 years, but if they are one of the fortunate able to die of old age, it's generally around 60-70.

Ecology and Habitats

While Orcs have no ideal habitat, they often force their surroundings to suit them. Trees are cut down, grass trampled, mountains chipped into...however they can form their camps.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs eat, almost exclusively, meat, and even have a stomach able to consume meat raw, even though they prefer it cooked. They are not known for their recipes, as some more 'gourmet' meals can be described as just cooked meat, but slapped once with some interesting tasting dirt.
For humans their preferred drink is ale or wine. But for orcs it's grog. It tastes horrid, stinks of death and looks murky. Grog is made from human blood, orc spit and intestines' of creatures and water. Mixture of a minute or more and left to sit out and ferment for a few days, the procedure can change depending on the ingredients used.


Orcs are war-born and are meant to fight at all times. They are typically prepared to fight

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs revere strength above all else, so most of their societies are formed on Kratocracies, which is a government where the strongest rule. Often leadership is challenged and vied for in their tribes.
  Orcs are capable of recognizing strength out of their species and can even gain respect for a non-orc if beaten enough in combat.
At the top of Orc Society is the Overlord which is the Orc that will unite and lead the rest of the orcs through a big war for blood and glory. Overlord is a title that is commonly used to describe the top dog, like a lord of a fortress, but in actuality it's not truly a overlord. Below the Overlord is the Warchief, they typically are the higher military officers of the overlord and are a minimum of 5. When there isn't a overlord they are the highest authority and often are the leaders of war bands and tribes. They are held with absolute respect and often aren't challenged even by other Warchiefs. Then their are the Captains which are the most numerous commanding orcs. They are often fighting each other over power and status and to obtain a reputation amongst their peers. Captains are the backbone of a orc warband. And Lastly are the most common orcs which are the grunts. Grunts hold no title or underlings other than slaves or pets.
To ascend to a Captain you must achieve some great feat like killing a Graug or horde of Caragors or just be the leader of a gang. The Orc will be promoted by the highest authority that isn't a Captain and will compete with other Captains to ascend to Warchief and so on and so forth.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orc first names are often guttural, and to the point, if but only to make it easier to signal them in combat.
Male names: Hork, Stakuga, Zunn   Female names: Puwa, Nar, Harrga   Titles: Defiler, Head-Chopper, Trusted

Major Organizations

Orc Empire

Gender Ideals

Although Orc males are self defined as superior, this does not equate to much in their actual engagement. Women are encouraged to fight, hunt, and exist just as men. The only time this comes into play is when the women are pregnant, at which point they are demanded not to fight. Fortunately gestation for Orcs is short, often half the time of a Human gestation, so they are quickly back to the quarrel.

Courtship Ideals

Orc courtship is often a brutal and vile affair, as many Orcs find their strength to be entitling to not simply land and items, but even partners. Often Orcs will force themselves onto a partner and stake claim, fighting off other would be suitors, quite literally. Whichever Orc 'wins' their partner, the partner generally accepts, on the basis they cannot beat them. This can foster a sort of kinship between the two as they respect the strength one another shows, though this is often rekindled through brutal fights or even attempts to outright kill the other. While not the norm, it is possible to find a strong orc bond.

Common Taboos

A person who flees from battle is often mocked, ridiculed, and generally looked down on.

Common Myths and Legends


Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Orcs are hated by almost all civilized races, generally viewed as either too savage or too stupid to integrate. They can sometimes be unwittingly used as pawns by smarter monstrous races (Such as vampires or demons).   They will occasionally welcome the company of Goblins, a race of which cowers at the Orc, serving to feed into their ego.   Otherwise, if they do form alliances is mostly based on need and convenience rather than an acquired taste for one another.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Efferatus
Primordial Elves tainted by the Shadow Realm
Average Physique
Orcs are renowned for their brutish strength, often displayed in their hulking bodies. Even females cast an intimidating shadow.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is anywhere between a light green and a dark, muddy brown and anything else caused by a mutation.
Related Ethnicities

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