Overlord Rank/Title in Oros | World Anvil
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The overlord is the highest title of the Orcs, they are powerful orcs capable of uniting thousands to millions of orcs to conquer and despoil.

The first overlord would be Uruk the Great.

The title of overlord is often used by orcs and other races, and in regards to orcs, it is often used to establish the highest position within a place, such as a orc fortress, the leader of one is called an overlord, but they aren't a true overlord. The criteria for becoming a overlord isn't clear even to the orcs, but when one is truly spotted, there is never any doubt whether it's true or not.

In terms of hierarchy it is like this:
Overlord, highest position.
Warchief, the highest postion in the absence of a overlord.
Captain, the officers of the war effort, where warchiefs will plan the wars, captains will fight and lead in them.
Grunt, the lowest and most numerous orc, they are the weakest, cannon fodder, maggots, they are the backbone of the orc warmachine.

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