Waaagh! Character in Oros | World Anvil
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The Great Despoiler

Waaagh! is the fifth Orc Overlord and he was present in Vlunia/ modern day Rodinia. He would be one of the most devastating overlords ever, his feats legendary among orc tales, his great desolation would lead to the birth of the Badlands.

Waaagh! would meet his end at the hands of the Emperor of Man Ragenardus III.

Tenets of Faith

Waaagh! is worshipped by the Warmonger Tribe for his desire to wage countless war and destruction, and his mastery of it.
Chaotic Evil
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
5437 AC
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Ragenardus III with Ghal Maraz
Aligned Organization

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