Emperor of Man Rank/Title in Oros | World Anvil
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Emperor of Man

The title of the highest ranked monarch within The Empire of Man. This title would be used in the time of Sieghardt- God Emperor, but it would be dismantled by Klaus the Savior in favor of the title of Emperor-Elect shortly after he changed the empire from a hereditary monarchy to a elective monarchy. The title of Emperor of Man is now purely a ceremonious one and serves as one of the many titles of the Emperor of the empire.

The title of Emperor of man is the unofficial title of the emperor, and it is used by all but the emperor himself, he may also be referred to as emperor. All emperors of the empire are the emperor of man.

The emperor is elected by the Imperial Princes and other electors.


Notable Elected Emperors (1945-3183 AC)

Sieghardt- God Emperor 1945-2000 AC Hansa Founder of The Empire of Man.
Prince Sieghardt 2000-2304 AC Hansa Most terrible tyrant of the empire.
Klaus the Savior 2304-2369 AC Sigenstein Saved the empire from Prince Sieghardt, ended the Tyrannical Era, established the Imperial Academy, changed the empire to elective, One of the greatest emperors of the empire.
Ladomir I 2369-2418 AC Hansa Received the Runickfang swords and distributed them amongst the Imperial Princes.
Poppo I 2418-2419 AC Mindenland Drowned during a swimming competition.
Poppo II 2419-? AC Mindenland Moved the capital to Mindenheim.
Siegrich 2463 AC Hansa An early emperor that was considered a tyrant.
Sigibert I 2463 AC Unknown Killed the red dragon Nocar on his coronation day and then died.
Garibald I 2701-2710 AC Hessmark Ruled from Paderhorn, expanded the empire.
Franz the Lawgiver(Franz I) 2710-2757 AC Hessmark Established Franzian Laws, mended foreign relations, reformed the legal system, funded the imperial library, formed the imperial province of Mordheim, and due to his foreign relations, Gunpowder was discovered by the empire.
Lantpert 2832 AC Unknown Established the Landsknecht, Their fashion is still popular in the empire to this day.
Joseph the Scholar(Joseph I) 2867-2932 AC Aachen Moved the capital to Aachen City, Ordered the construction of the University of Aachen, had the Imperial Gunnery school made, formed the imperial province of Raaroland, established the Imperial Crown system and other numerous economic reforms.
Folkmar I 3050 AC Unknown Established the first imperial colony of Franzland.
Sigismund I 3082 AC Unknown Formed the imperial province of Söölland, killed in a duel against his son.
Horst I 3083-3115 AC Triaus A corrupt emperor that died of the Black Death.
Roland Plaguebane(Roland I) 3124-3152AC Söölland Before his election as Emperor, Roland Plaguebane united the empire to defeat the servants of Ah Puch- God of Decay and Ailments, during the Black Death and the Plague Wars that followed.
Jadwiga 3183 Unknown A puppet empress. Established the imperial colony of the East Dire Company.

Age of the Five Emperors (3359-4812 AC)

Notable Elected Emperors (3359-3979 AC)

Wido 3359-3375 Sigenstein His election sparked the Era of Turmoil with the secession of Morigana from the empire.
Wolfgang the Tyrant 3414-3420 AC Mordheim The first and only emperor from Mordheim. He was deeply unpopular and he was very fond of Prince Sieghardt and invited him over, he was quickly deposed of and Mordheim was stripped of their position as elector after this.
Ansbertus 3448 AC Sigenstein An emperor that was a deviant.
Ansegisel 3602 AC Unknown Killed by the Beastmen warlord Grox Manrender.
Matthias III 3695-3712 AC Hansa Killed by an angry peasant mob.
Zenon 3876 AC Unknown(Thought to be a noble from the Zine Empire) An incestuous emperor.
Arnolf VI 3937 AC Arnheim Emperor elected for having few enemies and for being content.
Childeric III 3979 AC Arnheim N/A

Bert Emperors (4000-4812 AC)

Ruprecht 4000 AC Arnheim N/A
Childebert II 4051 AC Arnheim Extremely paranoid emperor that had all his sons executed.
Dagobert IX ?-4100 AC Arnheim Was killed by assassins during a siege.
Sigebert III 4185-? AC Arnheim Was captured by pirates and sold into slavery.
Charibert VIII 4232-4260 AC Arnheim Ordered the construction of a grand palace in Helgendorf.
Siegbert X 4260-? AC Arnheim Was married to a horse.
Lambert II 4276 AC Arnheim Executed Sigebert X by stuffing him in his horse and blowing him up.
Robert the Herculean(Robert I) ca. 4800 AC Arnheim Fought alongside Merovich the Great in the First Sieghardt War. Renowed as a great hero of the empire.

Deion Emperors (3360-4812 AC)

Deion I 3360-? AC Morigana First self-proclaimed Deion Emperor during the Era of Turmoil.
Lothar V 3550 AC Morigana Was killed in a duel by Heinrich the first wolf emperor.
Rudolf 3750 AC Morigana Died in a hunting accident.
Deion IV 4100 Morigana Was emperor during the great peasant rebellion.
Josef XII ca. 4800 AC Morigana Died fighting Prince Sieghardt during the First Sieghardt War.

Wolf Emperors (3547-4812 AC)

Heinrich 3547-? AC Hessmark First-self proclaimed wolf emperor.
Konrad 3707 AC Hessmark Was rivals with elected emperor Matthias III.
Friedrich 4000 AC Hessmark Ancestor to the current Emperor Theodoric the Old.
Friedrich Wilhelm ca. 4800 AC Hessmark Sacrificed himself to save Merovich the Great during the First Sieghardt War.

Bauin Emperors(3979-4800 AC)

Bauin 3979-? AC Mindenland The self-proclaimed empress of Mindenland.
Baldrick 4100 AC Mindenland Father to Chrodegang, he was killed by the peasants during the great peasant rebellion.
Chrodegang 4100-? AC Marienburg Commited mass slaughtering upon peasants and ended the great peasant rebellion.
Zina 4700 AC Marienburg An extremely attractive and seductive empress, that used the allure of bedding to form strong alliances. Almost united the empire before being assassinated by one of her lovers.
Grimbald ca. 4800 AC Mindenland Killed by Prince Sieghardt during the First Sieghardt War.

Parsian Emperors (4000-4800 AC)

Alexis 4000 Pars The self-proclaimed emperor of Pars.
Dardanus 4051 Pars Father of emperor elpides. He endured 37 sieges during his time.
Elpides ?-4100 AC Pars Killed by halfling, bringing the greatest shame upon all of Pars.
Ribes 4185-? AC Pars Became emperor by killing the pervious emperor in a duel.
Irus 4232-4260 AC Pars Waged 44 brutal wars during his reign.
Tenes 4260-? AC Pars Lost the imperial province of Mordheim.
Charax 4276 AC Pars Bankrupted the nation due to his great generosity.
Menelaos VI ca. 4800 AC Pars Fought alongside Merovich the Great during the First Sieghardt War.


Notable Elected Emperors (4812 AC to Present)

Merovich the Great (Merovich I) 4812-4877 AC Sigenstein As a general, Merovich was victorious against Prince Sieghardt during the First Sieghardt War. He reunited the empire and founded the Imperial Gunnery School. He is considered one of the greatest emperors of the empire.
Werner Demonslayer 5267-5298 AC Mindenland Defended the empire from the Demons during the Infernal Incursion.
Sigismund the Colonizer(Sigismund IV) 5395-5412 AC Hansa It was during his reign that the empire would reach it's greatest colonial size.
Ragenardus III 5412-5440 AC Hochland He would defend the empire during the great desolation and defeated the Orc Overlord Waaagh!. It was during his reign that Hessmark and Triaus were destoryed by Waaagh!.
Clovis I 6267 AC Hochland Established the imperial colony of Sundenburg, nonbeliever, only emperor to be banished.
Ulric the Pious 6298 AC Arnheim Endured the siege of Helgendorf against the Beastmen host led by Ghorok World-Eater. Emperor during the 2nd Sieghardt War.
Folkmar IV 6400 AC Raaroland His reign began the period known as the Fol Peace, in which the empire for the first time since it's founding underwent a long period of peace, this peace lasted over a century.
Otto 7952-? AC Unknown Remembered as the fool, he was emperor during Khaine- God of Murder's invasion of Rodinia, caused the Great Imperial Blunder, the worse military blunder in history.
Paul 8001-8013 AC Sigenstein His left foot is preserved in the Imperial Halls in Helgendorf.
Ludwig XII 8045-8047 AC Marienburg Lost the imperial colony of Franzland.
Radislav 8047-8053 AC Eisengard Built a glass statue, was an insane emperor.
Vilhelm 8053-8071 AC Morigana An incompetent emperor that bled the imperial treasury, leading to The Accursed Sell in which he sold the entirety of the empire to the Yang Empire which began the Era of Slavery.
Luchetto "Moneybags" 8286-8346 AC Unknown(hailed from foreign lands) Purchased back the empire's independence from the Yang Empire, moved the capital to the City of Marienburg, beginning the Luchetto Period in which the empire was completely corrupt and the arts experienced a great rise in popularity.
Maximillian II (Maximillian the Fat) 9000 AC Marienburg Had the College of the Arts built in the City of Marienburg.
Karsten II 9053-9115 AC Marienburg Last of the Luchetto emperors, it was during his reign that the War of Undeath happened and the whole of the empire was befallened by the Vampires of Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God and his undead legions. Fled with all of his wealth during the Final Siege of Marienburg and was never seen again.
Hogan the Wise 9115-9208 AC Sigenstein Imperial Prince of Sigenstein, he was ordered by his rival Karsten II to go on a wild goose chase for the lost Ghal Maraz. He returned during the Final Siege of Marienburg, and with Ghal Maraz he defeated the undead hordes and began the Glorious Liberation of the Empire. He founded the Conclaves of Magic and Hoganhauffen, he is considered as the greatest emperor of the empire second only to Sieghardt- God Emperor.
Adalgod III 9208-9224 AC Hansa Lead the charge against the vampire kingdoms in the Vampire Wars.
Eufemia Vampire Slayer 9314-9356 AC Unknown Also known as the Cruel-Born, She killed the most vampires in history, wiping their population by more than 80%. She is one of few mortals that was feared by both Mortals and Immortals. She would end the Vampire presence in Rodinia.
Leopold IX 9661-9666 AC Mindenland Emperor during the Aasimar Conquest in which he was killed, Mindenland was lost and the Vale was founded, cutting the empire's size by half.
Feremundus III 14911-14929 AC Arnheim An incompetent emperor.
Wilhelm VIII 14929-14934 AC Hansa Established the current ruling Imperial dynasty.
Theodore IV 14934-14938 AC Hansa Died during a jousting tournament accident.
Theodbert VI 14938-14968 AC Hansa Father of Abram I and the current emperor Theodoric the Old.
Abram I 14968-14997 AC Hansa Elected instead of his older brother Theodoric the Old because he was abroad. Extremely unpopular, during his reign both Eisengard and Söölland were lost to foreign powers during the Bloody War.
Theodoric the Old 14997 AC-Present Hansa Theodoric is the current emperor of The Empire of Man.
Royalty, Honorific / Ceremonial
Unofficial Title of the Emperor of the Empire
Alternative Naming
Emperor, Emperor-Elect(When Emperor refers to himself)
Length of Term
Until death or abdication
First Holder
Current Holders
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