Oros The Timelord
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The Timelord



Dugares goes on rampage

Redoess the god of time and aging was one of the Solomid-Spawn. He practically the most powerful god, more powerful then the primordial gods. But his power drew from how much time he has spent and it wasn't nearly enough to be the all-mighty and powerful god. But on top of that Redoess had no desires or ambitions and was content with sitting around and doing nothing, simply letting the passage of time flow by. But his son Dugares the God of the Mind didn't like this one bit. His father was the most powerful of all gods, able to control time itself but yet he sits and does nothing all day. He didn't see the gods as gods, they just sat around doing nothing and just let the world go on. Dugares felt that it could be greater, he was greater. Dugares would kill his father Redoess and take his title as god of time and aging. Dugares with this new power would use this power for grand ritual. He wished to reset time back to the beginning from when the first gods were born, and he will make it so that only he is birthed and he will become an omnipotent god and god of all things and the only god. He would reshape the world how he sees fit. This of course was very serious threat not only to the primordial gods but also all of life. The Three Goddesses along with many other gods of evil and good titles fought together to defeat Dugares. Unable to defeat him the three goddess would use all of their power to seal Dugares and split him into several other beings. Dugares would be split into 6 beings. Harr- God of tiredness , Zera- God of Sleep , Aleister -God of Forsight , Mosear - God of Sight , Demetto- God of Memory , Alkaline- God of Hindsight and Respriant- God of Dreams..

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