Redoess- God of Time and Age Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Redoess- God of Time and Age

Time Lord

Redoess, also known as the "Time Keeper" is the New God of Time and Age.

  Redoess, the Time Keeper, stood as a celestial embodiment of the inexorable flow of time and the aging of all things in the vast tapestry of existence. Born in the wake of Solomon - God of Life's demise, he emerged as a Solomid- Spawn.   Unlike his more ambitious siblings who actively participated in the tumultuous events of the Great God War and sought the adoration of mortals, Redoess adopted a markedly different perspective. To him, the struggles for power and dominion seemed futile, for time, the force he personified, was eternal and unyielding. Instead of engaging in the cosmic conflicts, he chose solitude, isolating himself to witness the passage of time firsthand. In his solitary contemplation, Redoess's existence became a meditative journey through the ages. He watched civilizations rise and fall, observed the fleeting moments of mortal lives, and witnessed the grand orchestration of events in the cosmic theater. His isolation was not a sign of weakness but a testament to his understanding of the unchangeable nature of his domain. Redoess's essence intertwined with the ebb and flow of time, making him a neutral observer in the grand scheme of celestial affairs. His serene contemplation allowed him to grasp the intricate rhythms of the universe, each tick of the cosmic clock resonating with his essence. His presence was felt not in grand displays of power, but in the subtle, inexorable march of time.   During his isolated existence, Redoess became the father of Dugares- God of the Mind. The mind, a domain that Dugares revered, played a crucial role in the understanding of age. However, the relationship between father and son took a tragic turn. Dugares, discontent with his father's passivity, grew resentful and ultimately chose to end Redoess's eternal vigil.   In the cosmic drama of gods and creation, Redoess's legacy lay in his patient observation of time's unfolding. His departure marked a shift in the divine hierarchy, as his child Dugares ascended to the role of the new god of time. Redoess's essence, forever intertwined with the eternal currents of time, became a silent but omnipresent force in the ever-expanding cosmos.

Divine Domains

Redoess's divine domain is time and age


Redoess- God of Time and Age


Towards Dugares- Time God of the Mind


Dugares- Time God of the Mind


Towards Redoess- God of Time and Age


Divine Classification
New God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Time Keeper
Time Lord
Age Lord
Currently Held Titles
1000 AC 10000 AC 9000 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Dugares
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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