Dugares- Time God of the Mind Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Dugares- Time God of the Mind

The Time Lord of Chaos

"Some will tell you time heals all wounds, I can tell you they are wrong". -Dugares, Lord of Time

Dugares, also known as the "Mindweaver of Eternity", the "Temporal Sage of Infinite Thought" and the "Time Usurper" is a New God of the mind, age and time.

Dugares, God of the Mind, emerged as a celestial force driven by a profound ambition to unlock the true potential of time and the mind. Born from the essence of Redoess- God of Time and Age, Dugares's journey was marked by admiration, resentment, and a relentless pursuit of power.   Dugares came into existence during a period of isolation for his father, Redoess. From the outset, Dugares recognized the immense power inherent in the connection between the mind and time. His curiosity and ambition were apparent from an early age, setting the stage for a godhood defined by a desire to unravel the mysteries of existence. While Dugares held a deep admiration for his father's control over time, it was tainted by a growing resentment. He couldn't fathom how someone with such power could choose inactivity over shaping the world. Dugares believed that Redoess's potential was being wasted, fueling his own aspirations to wield time in ways previously unimagined. As Dugares matured, his frustration reached a breaking point. In a fateful confrontation, driven by his burning ambition, he ended Redoess's life and assumed the mantle of the God of Time. This act marked a turning point, with Dugares now set on a path to fully explore the potential of time and the mind.

  Unlike his father, Dugares embraced his newfound role with fervor. Recognizing that the mind's connection to time held untold possibilities, he sought to manipulate time, space, and reality through the focused power of the mind. Time is greater than the light of Holactie - The Creator of Light, greater than the darkness of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness and more powerful than the change of Cálecelos - God of Change. It is argued that darkness came first or even light, but they are all wrong, it was time and yet somehow Dugares is but a mere new god. His reign as the God of the Mind would be short, for he would restart all of time to become the one and only god to exist and ever to exist. He would be the one true god of all things.  Dugares's influence was far-reaching, shaping the understanding of time and thought for generations. His teachings and concepts became integral to the world's comprehension of existence. However, his relentless pursuit of power would lead him down a dangerous path.

  Dugares's quest for ultimate power brought him into conflict with The Three Goddesses and other powerful beings. The battle that ensued was a brutal clash of forces, and despite Dugares's determination, he was ultimately defeated. In an act of divine justice, he was sealed into separate aspects of his essence.

  Even in defeat, Dugares's legacy endured. His ideas became a cornerstone of the world's understanding of time, thought, and existence. However, the battle with The Three Goddesses exerted such power that they vanished from the world, signaling the end of the Era of Gods.

Divine Domains

Dugares divine domain is the mind, time and age.

Dugares, the God of the Mind, Age, and Time, holds sway over the intricate interplay between the consciousness, the passing of ages, and the fabric of time itself. His divine domain manifests in a profound and multi-faceted manner.

Dugares's divine domain evolves and intensifies with the passage of time, reflecting the deepening complexity of the mind, the ever-changing facets of age, and the perpetual flow of the temporal river that he commands.


Redoess- God of Time and Age


Towards Dugares- Time God of the Mind


Dugares- Time God of the Mind


Towards Redoess- God of Time and Age


Divine Classification
New God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Time Lord of Chaos
Mindweaver of Eternity
Temporal Sage of Infinite Thought
Time Usurper
Mindshaper Amidst Endless Time
Time Lord
Currently Held Titles
Year of Death
10000 AC

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Aug 9, 2023 01:27

Time is a tool that could give anyone absurd power if manipulated. So few writers find a way to portray that well. You did what few writers (including myself) could. Bravo!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16