Oros The Elven Civil War
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The Elven Civil War

Military: War


The Dark Elves rebel and enslave the orcs

The aftermath of the orcish defeat and the subsequent elven cleansing brought forth a period of peace in the world, albeit a fragile one. The elves, driven by their deep-seated hatred for the orcs and their desire to restore the everlasting peace that had been shattered, embarked on a genocidal campaign against the orcish remnants. Their intention was to rid the land of these perceived parasites and ensure the safety of their own people.   However, the elves soon discovered that eradicating the orcs entirely would never come to pass. The intermingling of corruption and elves during the conquests of the Orc Empire led to the birth of a new race, the dark elves. These dark elves possessed physical traits that marked their corruption, such as darker skin and whiter hair, and carried a deep-seated resentment towards their orc masters.   When the dark elves were liberated by their elven kin, the elves felt a mixture of pity and guilt for their corrupted brothers and sisters. Although they refrained from causing harm to the dark elves, discrimination and oppression still marred their existence. The dark elves found themselves ostracized from elven society and treated as second-class citizens, unable to fully integrate or enjoy the same privileges as their pure elven counterparts.   For a decade, this oppressive dynamic persisted—the elves continuing their extermination of the orcs while the dark elves suffered in the shadows, their resentment festering. Eventually, the breaking point came. United under their dark elf king, Khaine, the oppressed dark elves rose up against their elven oppressors, sparking the elven civil war.   During this internal conflict, the lizardfolk, wise and detached from the elven affairs, chose not to involve themselves. They remained neutral, observing the unfolding events without lending their support to either side. The lizardfolk understood that the internal strife of the elves was not their battle to fight, focusing instead on their own pursuits and preserving their own society.   The elven civil war became a bitter struggle between the elves and the united dark elves. The land that was once ravaged by the orcish conquests now witnessed elven bloodshed at the hands of their own corrupted kin. The war tore through elven territories, causing further division and sowing seeds of discord among the elven people.   The aftermath of the elven civil war would have a lasting impact on the world, reshaping relationships and perceptions. The scars of discrimination and oppression endured by the dark elves would never heal, as the wounds of conflict and hatred ran deep. The lizardfolk, maintaining their neutrality, continued their own path, navigating the changing landscape and seeking to safeguard their own interests amidst the turmoil.   The elven civil war served as a reminder that the pursuit of peace and the eradication of evil is a complex and challenging endeavor. It highlighted the dangers of unchecked hatred and discrimination, even within a once harmonious race. The world, forever altered by the rise and fall of the orcish empire, now faced new struggles and uncertainties, as the consequences of past actions reverberated through time.

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