Oros The Price of Power
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The Price of Power

Life, Birth


The Price of Change

The birth of magic brought about a significant shift in the dynamics of the war, granting the lower races the ability to stand on equal footing with the Evolzar and demons. True Magic, the initial form of magic bestowed upon all beings, was a potent force directly derived from Cálecelos himself. It granted immense power but came at a heavy cost. Those who wielded True Magic found their bodies gradually transforming into chimeric creatures, displaying various unpredictable and bizarre features such as crab arms, bull legs, or fish heads. The transformative effects of True Magic affected both sentient beings and animals alike, leading to the emergence of numerous new races.   Among these new races were the Aarakocra , bird-like beings originating from transformed humans; Centaur , with the lower bodies of horses and the upper bodies of humans; Changeling , shapeshifters born from altered humans; Yuan-Ti , snake-like humanoids formed from transformed humans; Giff , sentient hippos; Hadozee , sentient monkeys; Owlin , sentient owls; Leonin , sentient lions; Loxodon, sentient elephants; Titan , more powerful versions of transformed giants; Mermaid , beings with the lower bodies of fish and the upper bodies of humans; Treant , sentient trees; Harpy , humans with avian characteristics; Satyr , individuals with the lower bodies of goats; Minotaur , part-human, part-beast creatures; Simorgh , humans with six arms and varying skin colors; and Parshath , a four-armed subrace of Simorgh. Each of these races was born out of the transformative power of True Magic.   However, as time passed, many races began to restrict or forbid the use of True Magic due to its high cost and unpredictable outcomes. Meanwhile, others sought to learn more about the nature of magic and its various forms. Fire magic was among the first new types of magic to emerge, followed by lightning, ice, light, dark, and a multitude of others. The use of True Magic gradually faded into the realm of legend and became forbidden by most societies. Yet, regardless of the limitations placed upon it, Cálecelos remained fueled by the use of any form of magic, ensuring that he would continue to draw power from the ever-changing nature of magic itself.   The birth of magic brought about a profound transformation in the world, not only in terms of power dynamics but also in the creation of new races and the diversification of magical abilities. The struggles and choices surrounding the use of magic became integral to the ongoing war, as the forces of light, darkness, and the demonic entities sought to harness its power to further their own agendas. The mortal plane became a battleground where the fate of both individual races and the world itself hinged on the careful wielding of magic in its many forms.

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