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Templegarden is one of Orphan’s thirteen splinters. It is the heartland of the Holy Empire of Belhacint, a great patchwork of forests, mountains, lakes, and lowlands. Templegarden has got a wide range of climates; the northern parts of the splinter are subject to harsh winters, while further south, the vast swaths of arable land in the country’s temperate heartland more or less feed the entire empire.   Templegarden has a reputation for being “safe and civilized,” and while in the case of the central Bel Valley this is certainly true, the splinter’s less tame reaches often have a certain eerie wildness about them. Take for example the Sylverin Forest, Templegarden’s northernmost province, a remote and mysterious landscape of misty woods and lakes, which has a reputation for witchery and paranormal activity.   Templegarden’s most striking feature by far is the perfect sphere of Heaven—a vast white pearl that hangs above the horizon like a second moon. Waves of divine magic radiate from it; as a result, Belhacint has an extremely high rate of aasimar births. Throne, the capital city of Belhacint, sits directly below Heaven, straining towards it in rising tiers.   In addition to being directly connected to Heaven, Templegarden is linked by pharos routes to the Andarine Sea, Hyylana, the Radiant Waste, and Windreach.

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