
The Madawi family are a notable family who came to prominence in the late 26th Century known for their associations with Onyx  

Previous Scions

2560 - Present : Demba Madawi

Family History

The Madawi family rose from humble beginnings near Silver City on Earth , where Mahmoud Madawi, a former Imperial Marine, built a fortune as a private military contractor. His success laid the foundation for future generations. The family expanded their wealth through land development and politics, despite some setbacks, with later members restoring and growing the business. By the time Demba Madawi took over, the family had transformed into key players in the lobbying world, supported by strong ties to the Valtinist Faith and its Hassirite faction.  

Corporate Connections

By 2600 the Madawi family had consideral investment in Akin and Madawi Lobbying, a lobbying company and Acre Investments, a land development firm based on earth with investments in real estate across the Terran Fronteir.

Faith Sustains, Success Abounds

Political, Family
Notable Members

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