Demba Madawi

Demba Madawi was a senior political figure at the end of the 26th century.


Early Life

Born on Mars , Demba went on to study at Cydonia College where he found his faith.  


Following his graduation, Demba took on junior roles at many Valtinist lobbying organisatiobs before taking a senior position at his small family firm. Over the years, with his experience and connections Demba took the firm, Akin and Madawi, to great heights often supporting and working closely with Social Conservative memebers of both Vishnu Elpis and Ravenheart  

Association with Onyx

Upon the formation of the new Onyx Party Demba shifted the focus of his lobbying efforts to support the politicians within Onyx and was a key player in writing early legislation for the party that devolved the powers of the federal states to member planets. Often not appearing much in public Demba was known to be in close contact with key members of the senior party administration.   Late 2594 saw the beggining of a prayer lunch held in Dhaka, hosted by Demba and his lobbying firm. These events became a staple around the capital; bringing together Politicians, CEOs and various Valtinist figures together at very private events.

Foreign Secretary

Following the shock resignation of Fletcher Navarro, and only a few weeks after being brought in as Senior Advisor to President Carrero Demba was appointed Foreign Secretary. Demba became the first apointee to be confirmed through the newly introduced Republic Cabinet Confrmation hearing process with Senator Josie Dane (RCP) offering sharp questioning of how "qualified Mr Madawi is" and whether there weren't more "qualified people within Onyx". Mr Madawi and his lawyers answered with a list of his foreign policy credentials and his connections to various national governments through his lobbying work.   Some of Demba's first decisions drew criticism for their boldness with the appointment of former Governor Andrea Buckland (IND) appointed ambassador to the Mor-Du Republic. Bucklan and that of Perseus Inkerman (ONX), the son of Senator Everett Inkerman (ONX) who has been appointed as Ambassador to the Gannid Republic who was tasked with improving business realtions with the Gannid.   Demba's term as Foreign Secretary was viewed as a fairly sucessful one with The Republic engaging in joint military exercises with the Gannid along the Dhau border in the face of potential Dhau Agression and the continuation of normalising trade realtions with The Karkouri  

Time in Opposition

Despite a sucessful term as Foreign Secretary, Onyx where unable to form a goverment following the 2600 Republic Election and Demba's attention shifted back to A&M, his lobbying organisation. He spent the next five years working closely with Onyx and it's House Representatives to craft and pass a large number of key bills, notably the The Millenium Community Tax Bill, which saw legislation passed that would provide tax exempt status to relgious organisations and charities, many saw this as a huge win for many of the Valtinist organisations operating throughout the Republic.
Valtinist (Hassirite)
Year of Birth
2530 75 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Destiny - Game


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