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Night of the Seven Comets

The Night of the Seven Comets is a historical event noted in The Valley of Andor and its settlements, in particular the village of Orin's Keep.  


The Night of the Seven Comets was an astronomical event that occurred on a warm spring day on the 1st of Solinari, in 3483 A.L.   According to the most popular accounts, the day began to take a notable turn when an old man wandered into the vicinity village of Orin's Keep. A local woodsman from the village found the old man wandering along the banks of the Cascian River.  Having pity on the wanderer, the woodsman brought him back to the village for the night to be fed and sheltered.   It took some considerable effort on the part of the village Keeper, Orin Delon, to convince the Draconians to allow the old man entry, but in the end he was granted passage through the gates and allowed to move about under the close supervision of the Keeper's enforcers.   It was unusual for there to be travelers in the wilds of Andor, especially Humans, who were not generally allowed to wander freely, unescorted by Dragonborn.  As such, the old man drew considerable attention from the villagers.  Most were wary of the stranger, even more so because he seemed to speak only in confused ramblings.  Most of what he had to say was utter gibberish, but the few parts that were at least coherent didn't seem to make any sense at all.   Later that evening, as many of the villagers were gathering for the communal meal to celebrate the Lucendi and pay homage to Lord Pyros for giving light to the world, the old man exclaimed loudly in surprise as his head snapped back to stare upward.  Many of the villagers around him followed his gaze upward and gave cries of surprise and fear as they saw seven brilliant comets streaking in formation across the sky simultaneously.    Comets are a rare occurrence on Orthun in general and were often held to be an omen of some sort (there is much disagreement on whether they are good omens or bad omens).   To see seven at one time, flying in the same direction and velocity was unheard of.   Many villagers were frightened, while others were simply excited by the spectacle.  Their attention was soon pulled away, however, as, suddenly, six women in the village who were pregnant at the time began to go into labor.  This was quite a surprise, as none were expected to give birth for at least several weeks yet, and some not for at least a couple of months.  Nonetheless, all six women who were currently pregnant in a village of just over a hundred began their labor.   In the hecticness that follow such a surprising development, the villagers lost track of the mysterious old man, including Keeper Orin, who's own wife, Helena Delon was among those now preparing to give birth.  The visitor disappeared into the night, somehow escaping the watchful eyes of the dragonborn soldiers watching the walls and disappeared, never to be seen again.   All six women would give birth in the wee hours of the morning on the 2nd of Solinari.  However, sadly, Helena Delon would give birth to two still born twins, Petre Delon and Perseus Delon.  Orin and Helena were devasted by the loss.  The 1st of Solinari would weigh heavy on Orin's mind ever afterwards, as he held himself personally responsible for seeing the old traveler permitted into the village, whom he believed the somehow the cause of the premature births.   There were five surviving babies born that night, Fiera, Gus Rando, Hayden Hotness, Naxiris, and Sayran.
Date of First Recording
2nd of Solinari, 3483 A.L.
Date of Setting
2nd of Solinari, 3483 A.L.
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