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Session 001: In Seach of Hayden's Mom

General Summary

Lucendas, the 5th of Lunitas, 3501 A.L. - Early morning:   The characters began their day at various locations around the village of Orin's Keep:
  • Fiera helping Naxiris pack supplies and equipment for an expedition by the Draconians.
  • Hayden Hotness awoke in bed with Farmer Callaghan's daughter, Anna.
  • Gus Rando awoke in the pen of Farmer Callaghan's prized pig after serving as Haden's drunken wingman the night before.
  • Sayran awoke to observe Haden's mother, Nera, walking from the mine entrance to the village gate to begin foraging for hemp to spin.
  • Sayran returned to the village to inform Haden of Nera's capture by goblins.  
    Orin's Keep Base Map Image
      Haden, Gus, and Sayran went to see Haleen in the hopes of acquiring weapons, but she didn't have any on hand, having just delivered any weapons for repair back to the barracks. She suggested Naxiris may be able to help them acquire weapons.   Haden and Gus ran to meet Naxiris while sending Sayran to find Fiera, whom they did not know was already with Naxiris.   Haden and Gus met Naxiris and Fiera at the back door of the barracks and entered the armory. They each selected a few bits of equipment for themselves, including weapons, armor, and supplies.  
    Orin's Keep Barracks Base Map Image
      They then wondered how best to get out of town, as only Fiera and Fiera had the branded palm that would let them freely leave. Haden attempted to enter the chambers of the Draconian leader, Captain Eskrid, but broke the window and worried the noise would attract attention. Naxiris then snuck through the interior halls and attempted to search Eskrid's office, but failed to find anything. She was seen leaving by a dragonborn soldier, Gildenath, on the way out. Gildenath was obviously suspicious of Naxiris's activities but agreed to turn a blind eye in exchange for her sneaking him double rations for a week.   Naxiris returned to the party and quickly left the armory and met up with Sayran, giving him a new, sturdier war bow they stole for him.   Fiera and Sayran left through the front gate, showing their brand.   Haden, Gus, and Naxiris snuck through the fields to a small gap on the wooden walls and slipped through.   About mid-day, Sayran then led the party through the woods, tracking the goblins to a small cave mouth, from which a stream flowed.   Haden and Sayran tried to sneak up on two goblins stationed out front, but the goblins heard Sayran snap a twig and a fight ensued. Sayran grappled one goblin while Haden attempted to knock the other unconscious with the hilt of his sword.   Haden took a nasty slash across the chest while Gus and Naxiris charged forward. Fiera held back and cast a healing spell on Haden. Gus saw something of it out of the corner of his eye. Fiera also set another goblin on fire with Sacred Flame. The goblin was killed and the second broke free of Sayran and shouted "Wait!" In common, but Fiera cast sacred flame on it and it started to run. It was caught by Gus who pancaked it with his maul.   The party searched the goblins, finding nothing.   The party reached Level 2.

    Character(s) interacted with

    Lapsus Draconis
    Report Date
    17 Nov 2021
    Primary Location

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