Grand Dock of Marsember
The Grand Dock of Marsember is the worlds largest seaport- much like the Grand Market of Marsember berths are a hot commodity and are extremely expensive relative to other ports. The "Mother berths" refers to the 4 largest berths in the port, closest to the shore- each of which as an extremely large warehouse built on its doorstep, can accommodate ships so large they have led to the creation of a new class. "Spicers" are the largest merchant ships in Faerun, with only a handful built so far they transport enormous loads farther across the Sea of Stars than ever before. To see one steer into port is a sight civilians will travel hundreds of miles to see. The Runs refer to the narrow alleys, streets and ditches that "run" right to the waters edge. The runs are hard to navigate and literacy with them is considered a particular skill.
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