
Dwarves are a surly, brave race from deep within the mountains on the continent. They tend to favor the more southern areas, for their use of goats and large lizards for transportation of themselves and the heavy ores.
Matriarchal in nature, the Dwarves have been ruled by a Thrummaz (a Queen) for generations, completely separate from the humans politicking above.
Their primary Mountain Home is called Nerroth Wunder, or Deep Lake. It is in the southern-most mountain on the continent, and stretches miles into the earth. They have several smaller mountain homes in other mountains, but none like this.
All dwarves, both male (Dworrow) and female (Dwarrowdam), have beards. Some females shave, but they tend to be the ones that interact with humans. The rest wear their beards as badges of racial honor and pride, earning beads and braids as they pass through important milestones in their lives. These can be put into hair as well, as the beard runs out of room or for those who do not have one.
Dwarves will almost never cut their hair, wearing it up in braids and buns and plaits when it gets too long to walk.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves quickly grow into adults, and remain that way for most of their lives until they reach the elderly stage.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Primarily in the southern regions of the world, where it is warm and comfortable in the cool interiors of their mountain homes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves have the capability to hear what they call "steini hvísla", or stone whispers. They follow these to large deposits of ore. Their capability to see in the dark is also very well known, some Dwarves never having even seen sunlight.
Genetic Descendants
Minimum 82 years, maximum 450 years
Average Height
Minimum 3 ft 7 in., maximum 4 ft. 5 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 134 lbs, maximum 206 lbs.
Average Physique
Dwarves, both male and female, tend to be stocky and well built. Many of them have physical jobs and therefore are very muscular.


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