
The tenacious and creative Halflings are the perfect companion for many of life's outings - games, drinking, parties, and not the least of all, adventuring. Their gentle natures typically make them the caregiver in most groupings, but there are many Halflings that take advantage of being underestimated for exactly this reason.
Halflings are also among the worlds best thieves, pick-pockets, and cat burglars. With a knack for not being noticed and being unusually quiet when they want to be, Halflings have been known to walk in and out the front doors of victims homes with narry a sidelong glance from witnesses. But stealth and thievery are not their only skills.
Halflings are also typically high ranked in the clergy and law enforcement, being very community centric and adept at divine magics. Great allies and friends to have no matter the situation, Halflings are in no short supply. Being one of the most common races found in cities with Half-elves and Humans, they often insist on cities having more greenery and being clean and beautiful, rather than fall into urban decay.

Basic Information


Halflings stand several feet shorter than most other races, but are sturdy and healthy folk.

Genetics and Reproduction

Halflings have no limit on their reproduction like some other species, and enjoy having large families.

Growth Rate & Stages

Halflings stay as children and adolescents for relatively long compared to their lifespan, and then transition into their adulthood over time. Unlike many other races Halflings age visibly, though they can remain elderly for a very long time.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Halflings have wide pointed ears, with short though proportional statures. Their hair tends to range from dirty blonde to dark brown, and is usually wavy or curly in some way.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Halflings do not have particularly good eyesight or hearing, but do have a known prowess for communicating with small animals, plants, and other parts of nature. They tend to become very close with Mouselings. Their proficiency in Divine magic also makes them sought after healers and fortune tellers.
Genetic Descendants
Minimum 20 years, maximum 200 years
Average Height
Minimum 2 ft. 8 in., maximum 3 ft. 4 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 27 lbs., maximum 38 lbs.


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