
Aelfinn are cunning and charismatic. They love betting and gambling, but be wary. An Aelfinn rarely makes a bet unless he's absolutely sure he can't lose. That's not to say that they'd ever go back on their word, or break a deal. The contract is the highest law of the land, and only disgraceful Aelfinn would dare back out on one. However, it's never cheating if you don't get caught

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Aelfinn may reproduce with their own kind, which is the most common way for an Aelfinn to be born, though the original parentage is an elf and a halfling. They can reproduce with other Aelfinn, halflings and elves, but no other races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aelfinn mature more slowly than humans do, but become old much more quickly. They rarely live to 80, but make the most of their short lives by living their long adulthood extravagantly.

Ecology and Habitats

Aelfinn prefer cities and places of trade. The hustle and bustle gives them a place to ply their best product - themselves. Their keen wit and shining social aptitude make them natural born businessmen, and they love interacting with other races (be it for new friends...or a new sucker).

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aelfinn possess no necessary dietary restrictions, but prefer the most luxurious life has to offer in food and drink.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Other more successful families of Aelfinn form mafia-like business practices that are known through many type of communities and races. These families usually have large manors or businesses named after themselves that house some of the most devious types of business deals.

Facial characteristics

Typically Aelfinn have long elven ears, but cheerful halfling faces. Their eyes are browns or greens, and they typically keep their hair long and well cared for.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aelfinn's large ears and elf-like sight make them quick to pick up on whispered secrets or social queues. They tend to be more magically suited, than physical, and take to arcane pursuits incredibly well.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Minimum 20 years, maximum 62 years
Average Height
Minimum 2 ft 8 in, maximum 3 ft 4 in
Average Weight
Minimum 25 lbs, maximum 30 pounds

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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