Session 18: Flesh Melded in Blasphemy and a Leap into the Unknown

General Summary

Truth be told, this will largely be a placeholder session report. In the grand scheme of things, a combat session is rarely thrilling to look back on. Forgive me my laziness but hopefully this helps all the same.
  The party found itself in the belly of the beast, The Maw of the Gods (well, Mill of the Gods really, north of The get it). They'd had to steel themselves (and fairly drag each other) to combat the innate fear state the Mill induced in them, venturing further in, in search of...something. Of that, they had to believe their cursed/blessed Amanita Guttata would be sure when they found it. What they found instead was...skemelans. Lots of 'em.   Well, Specters, some horrible bone constructs including an undead Naga and headless Dragon Skeleton, and other various sundry spookies.   Most importantly, however, was the large glowing red portal the horde seemed to be guarding/surrounding/potentially originating from, something that pulled toward Amanita in unmistakble "you'll know it when you see it" vibes.   The party launched into action (relatively) undaunted by the creatures and began their assault. Notable techniques included Amanita being Enbiggened with L0L4 perched on their shoulder, Khashayar Entezami trying (and sadly failing) to antler ram a dragon skeleton, and arguing about whether they should go through the portal, shove something else through the portal, or try to destroy the portal.  

It went about this well for a while.
  Eventually, the gang was able to best the constructs clambering for their skin, including a late addition to the party: a Soulshaker, an unholy abomination of grasping limbs capable of horrifying magic and explosions of yucky goop upon defeat. This left the party tired, shaken, covered in yucky goop, and even less certain about what a "dog" was in the case of one young rabbitkin. (Kitanya Evermoon was no help in this, insisting the Soulshaker was just a badly behaved dog and implying that the disembodied hands it burst into upon defeat were its puppies.) Speaking of dogs, this was also the inaugural fight welcoming pizza dog into the world, an adorable abomination of Amanita Guttata's own making.  

A land beast for the ages.
  Fight ended, this left only the rift in front of them. Ominous. Enticing. Kinda sparkly.   The party deliberated greatly about how best to handle testing this portal to elsewhere, before an impulsive few (that the DM admits now they've forgotten specifically but likely Kitanya Evermoon or Wynnie Bishop) reached into its depths and were whisked away. The rest of the party had no choice but to follow or be left behind and leapt after the rest of their crew like lemmings into the Lovecraftian depths.   The session ended on a spooky cliffhanger, the party eager for whatever lay beyond.
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