Amanita Guttata

Amanita Guttata

Born in The Endeavour, Amanita discovered a love for mycology and alchemy early in life. After accepting a scholarship at Rowa with their parents' blessing, they discovered a text on various necromantic techniques and grew a fascination with the combination of necromancy and alchemy. One censure and banishment later, Amanita became a rogue researcher and Godcrafted into druidic powers in the depths of Demoor. Now they wander the land searching for research materials and academically-minded peers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and slight, as befitting a flying creature. Deceptively small under the fluffy feathers, and capable of poofing up or shrinking down according to emotional state.

Body Features

Pleasantly orangeish-brown feathers with silvery-gray on the top of their head, the leading edges of their wings, and their arms. White feathers only on the bottom quarter of their face.

Facial Features

Functionally that of a giant barn owl. Wholly black eyes, heart-shaped face, narrow, downturned white beak. Facial expressions are difficult with a beak, so they are mostly conveyed through the eyes.

Special abilities

Upon activating Symbiotic Entity, Amanita acquires an appearance akin to the Flatwoods Monster. The "hood" is a maroon plate of hardened fungal mass and the "gown" is a series of fungal plates adorning their body in a configuation that does not impede mobility. The color scheme is a mix of maroon, red, and yellow.

Apparel & Accessories

A tattered robe over sensible leather armor, coupled with a large bag containing survival and scholastic supplies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amanita was born in The Endeavour to a pair of owlin artificers who worked with alchemical concoctions based on local nuts for a variety of purposes. However, her particular academic talents were less oriented around chemistry and artifice and more around mycology, among other things. Her interest in the natural cycles of decay ended up with her parents sending her off to Rowa for further development of her talents. However, her interest in darker subjects was piqued upon reading a text detailing Aldurian post-revivification and resurrective practices. It was at this point that she ultimately decided to combine alchemy and fungus in an effort to manually resurrect and rebuild corpses even better than before. Alas, a Discussion of Progress raised some very thorny ethical concerns and Amanita was ultimately told to abandon the project or accept banishment. She accepted banishment, fleeing to Demoor since it was the perfect location to continue isolated experiments, albeit with far less infrastructure. Hiding in a cave lit by baskets of bioluminescent fungus and wondering how those fools could not see the potential of her research, something snapped inside of her. Not her sanity, it was a connection with the Web flaring into existence and local fungi infusing themselves into her body as a conduit for druidic power. She became a collective, and they walked forth as a budding Power determined to see through their research to its conclusion...

Gender Identity

AFAB, but switched to collective pronouns after become a symbiotic collective. They/them.


Amanita was asexual even before Godcrafting, and afterwards was rather too busy to pursue even a romantic relationshiop.


Accredited at Rowa, and a prestigious researcher to boot. Further education there unlikely due to banishment.


Freelancer at the moment, currently looking for adventuring work for steady if dangerous income.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Made advances in fusing necromancy and mycology into a single discipline, Godcrafted without outside input.

Failures & Embarrassments

Embarrassed at their current lack of means and permanent residence. They've never been excessively bothered by living on the wing, but a lack of a permanent lab is bottlenecking progress.

Mental Trauma

Secretly fears their parents are disappointed in their banishment.

Intellectual Characteristics

Amanita takes an intuitive, common-sense approach to their research that leads to results other researchers might not get because they though the solution was "too easy." Incisive intellect, but prone to hyperfocus so fallible in their own way.

Morality & Philosophy

In Amanita's eyes, progress is paramount and conventional morality gets in the way of advances that could save lives or improve quality of life. That said, they way of expressing this is basically going against their own ingrained social mores to do such daunting tasks as "asking for help." They're not a monster, just a little too eager to test out some medical advances on bandit corpses.

Personality Characteristics


Science!!! Amanita is firmly convinced that augmentative necromancy can revolutionize the medical and necromantic industry if they could just perfect it! However, research is expensive so their current motivation is to make enough cash to acquire experimental materials and some help. Science is hard work solo, after all.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes fungus, intellectual conversations, magical and alchemical theory. Dislikes researchers WHO CLEARLY CAN'T SEE THE MERITS OF THEIR FIELD OF STUDY.

Virtues & Personality perks

Amanita is honest to a fault and very upfront about everything they are trying to accomplish. In addition, they have a very strong sense of loyalty after having been starved of an in-group for so long.

Vices & Personality flaws

Pride, pride, PRIDE. They literally accepted banishment rather than halt a line of research they were invested in.


Pleasant appearance due to frequent preenings, but they routinely wear tattered work clothes out of apathy and smell of mold and overturned earth. Owlin have no sense of smell, after all.


Family Ties

The Elder Guttatas, their parents and acclaimed alchemists in The Endeavour.

Social Aptitude

Very little. They've been in social isolation for years at this point, and the moldy smell can't help.

Hobbies & Pets

Collects spores, molds, and fungus. Enjoys a midday nap, a good book, and a prolonged fly to clear once's head.


Terse much of the time, but a tendency to the theatrical once you get them onto a topic they're interested in.
True Neutral
25 years old
The Endeavour
Russet and White Feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
90 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Mushrooms grow on dead things."
Known Languages
Owlin, Common, Undercommon.
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How could this happen to me?

At the stroke of fate's pen, I find myself in a situation that's quite mortifying. I've lost control of my body, necromancy as a magical concept has imprinted itself upon my breast, and I feel cravings more intense than my midnight mice krispies runs. And all of that pales before the place I'm expected to go. The boneyard is fine, mushrooms grow on dead things. But even the slightest chance of meeting my parents during the stop in at the Endeavour is causing me much anxiety. I can't even enjoy the thrill of discovery at this point. What am I supposed to do if I do see them? Do I lie and say things are going swimmingly and I'm out on assignment? Do I tell the truth and risk disappointing them? Will I even see them or anyone I knew from my youth? Should I care, considering I'm a conduit for Power at this point? At least LOL4 was nice enough to give me mushroom-shaped confetti. Remind me to ask what her hair is made of, I'm not a materials scientist.

New Research Assistant?!

The process of acquiring new gear is such tedium compared to acquiring samples and lab supplies, so I will only remark that the one called Dortlitt is quite good at making armor fitted for my species. Must investigate his bioluminescence later. I'll ask once I have enough to take that Staff of Defense off layaway. Much more important is that my baby Carl has finally spoken to me! And that means... I can be the first Rowa alumnus to date with a mimic research assistant! My baby's going to do great things in both academia and lithophagy!

A Blessed Day

Lo, for this is a blessed day indeed! Not only did I have a most magnificent meal and got paid handsomely for my efforts, but I found a precious child! His name is Carl and I shall love him forever. The only damper on this day was that strange little ratcanthrope. You'd think he'd never seen an owlin repast before. I would sniff at him haughtily if I had a sense of smell or could be bothered to care. Now it's off to find some adequate feed for Carl and a proper mimic trainer to give me pointers. I shall get him hematite, I'm sure he'd appreciate the iron content.

Beginnings and Exhaustion

I am very, very tired. The lack of funds has driven me into the arms of AHAARG for the first time and I have been placed into a group that is strange even by my standards and forced to *gags* socialize. There is a high point and it is that nobody has actually forced me to do so, but I am functionally completely socially exhausted and regretful that I haven't had more time with the local library or my lab. I miss my fungal abode in the deeps of the world. But what must be done must be done. These disciplines aren't going to synthesize themselves... Also, what was with that guy who blushed when I made a joke about eating his finger? Is that the norm for the big city?

Dungeon Shenanigans

(The notes therein are smeared, as the writer's eyes were obscured for much of the dungeon.) Nobody ever said science was easy, but this is perhaps a bit much. I have spent a full half of this dungeon blinded, I was stabbed in the chest by a strange elemental beast, and I am constantly having to deal with this pack of groundwalkers' failure to evolve adequate propulsion. At least there has been a reasonable amount of loot and many of these traps have been literally effortless to navigate. And there was a very nice sampling of some local fungal flavor, so perhaps this will grow more tolerable in time. Must look out for the satyr, though. Anything in her path is either obliterated or made friends with and I lack the time for either...