
L0L4 (a.k.a. aka Glowla, aka RizzBot)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lola's body resembles that of a young, average female human. She is medium height, and though none would guess she is actually quite heavy.

Body Features

Lola's skin tone is merely paint applied to the metal alloy shell that houses the various components within her body. Thus, her "skin" is perfectly smooth (no pores), however, the paint is fading around some of her extremities (wrists to fingers, knees, and ankles to toes specifically). Her torso was never painted, as the assumption was those parts would be covered with clothing most of the time, and only those with explicit permission and/or intimate knowledge of Lola would be able to access the more delicate bits of her.   Especially in the case of her two central power sources: The Glass Heart (in her chest) and [something for the brain idk, I'll be more creative later] (in her head).   Her torso houses many magi-techinal components (incl the Glass Heart) that power her functions-- various cables and wires run throughout her body casing.

Physical quirks

Can change eye color and hair color on a whim, hair is a collection of fiber optics wired into her head, some are blackened near the root due to burning out over time. Eye color fades to blank white when powered off

Unit b707, now "LOL4" [loh-luh] due to an upside down name plate, is a warforged bard with a zest for life and an yearning to bring joy to others.

Character Location
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The contents of this site, including but not limited to characters, plotlines, settings, imagery, and any accompanying material, are the exclusive intellectual property of the campaign participants unless otherwise cited. These materials are protected by copyright and other applicable laws.   All D&D 5e content is used through Wizard of the Coasts' Open Game Content License (OGL).   It is strictly prohibited to use any content from this site to train or inform artificial intelligence (AI) tools in any way. Such actions would violate copyright law and would have serious legal consequences.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Journal Entry’s title

[no poem, just a stream of consciousness] I sure hope they find something. I want to know where I come from. I wonder if I had another group of friends! I wonder if I had a family.   My brain is buzzing. I suddenly feel close to somethin! Just got to make it back.   Better bring back somethin for Bartleby too  

Family Trees

Rumors on the breeze high in the trees family trees   Change, change, change Changing hands Changing minds Changing plans   A loan, not alone never alone collecting the collective family trees

Reverence in Endeavor-ance

we went down to endeavor we traveled from afar the food was never better 'specially the salad bar   someone was startin fires no quiet before these storms a certain antlered rabbit a brand new friendship forms   collected cards collected trees dark dreams, distant memories?   what is the will of the Gods, in the Mill of the Gods?