Green Dragons

Green dragons, known for their cunning and manipulative nature, are formidable creatures that inhabit the lush forests and verdant landscapes of Ostrium. Drawing inspiration from their counterparts in the Forgotten Realms, these dragons possess a deep connection to nature and wield powerful druidic magic. Green dragons are characterized by their sleek and serpentine bodies, adorned with emerald scales that blend seamlessly with the foliage of their forest habitats. Their long, sinuous tails are capable of delivering devastating strikes, while their sharp claws and fangs make them formidable hunters.
  These dragons are masters of deception and camouflage, using their natural abilities to blend into their surroundings and ambush unsuspecting prey. They are highly intelligent creatures, capable of crafting elaborate schemes and manipulating others to serve their own ends.
  Green dragons are known for their affinity with nature, often forming alliances with druids, rangers, and other woodland creatures. They have a deep respect for the balance of the natural world and will go to great lengths to protect their forest homes from encroaching threats.
  In terms of behavior, green dragons are solitary creatures, preferring to dwell alone in secluded lairs hidden deep within the heart of the forest. They are territorial creatures and fiercely defend their domains against intruders, using their cunning and guile to outsmart their enemies.
  Overall, green dragons are enigmatic and elusive creatures, shrouded in mystery and legend. With their keen intellect, mastery of magic, and potent natural abilities, they are formidable adversaries and formidable allies for those who earn their trust.

Basic Information


Green Dragons, scientifically known as Draco viridus, exhibit a formidable anatomy and morphology that distinguishes them within the draconic species. One prominent feature is their imposing size, with muscular bodies that exude power and agility. However, what truly sets them apart is the large, waving crest or fin that adorns their form. Starting at the dragon's nose, this distinctive crest extends the entire length of the dragon's body, undulating gracefully as the dragon moves. Its vibrant green hue, often streaked with darker shades, adds to the dragon's allure and menace. This crest not only serves as a striking visual display during encounters but also plays a crucial role in the dragon's communication and intimidation tactics. It can flare up dramatically during moments of aggression or excitement, making the already imposing Green Dragon an even more formidable presence in its domain.

Green Dragon Eggs

Green Dragon eggs are a sight to behold, exhibiting a unique appearance that reflects the dragon's affinity with nature. These eggs are typically large and oval-shaped, with a smooth, glossy surface that gleams with a vibrant green hue. Embedded within the surface are intricate patterns resembling swirling vines and leaves, giving the eggs an organic, naturalistic charm. The coloration of the eggs varies, ranging from a deep forest green to lighter shades reminiscent of fresh foliage. What truly sets Green Dragon eggs apart, however, is the faint glow emanating from within. This subtle luminescence hints at the life force burgeoning within the egg, adding an aura of mystique and vitality to these precious orbs. As they incubate, the eggs pulsate with energy, further emphasizing their connection to the verdant realms that Green Dragons call home.

Green Dragon Eggs

Green dragon eggs are a sight to behold, characterized by their formidable size and striking appearance. Typically, these eggs are large and oblong-shaped, resembling oversized emerald gemstones with a glossy sheen that reflects light in mesmerizing patterns. Each egg is covered in a tough, scaly shell that is a deep shade of green, reminiscent of the lush foliage found in dense forests. These scales are arranged in intricate patterns that provide both protection and visual appeal, giving the eggs a regal and imposing presence. As green dragon eggs develop, they undergo subtle changes in color and texture, signaling the progression of the growing embryo within. Initially, the eggs possess a smooth and uniform surface, with no visible markings or imperfections. However, as the embryo matures, the shell begins to take on a slightly mottled appearance, with darker patches of green forming intricate patterns across its surface. These patterns are unique to each egg, reflecting the genetic heritage of the parent dragons and serving as a visual indicator of the egg's health and vitality.   In addition to their striking appearance, green dragon eggs are also known for their remarkable resilience and durability. The shell is incredibly tough and resilient, capable of withstanding considerable pressure and impact without cracking or breaking. This durability is essential for protecting the developing embryo from external threats and ensuring its survival until hatching. Despite their formidable appearance, green dragon eggs are also surprisingly lightweight, allowing them to be easily transported and manipulated by their parent dragons as needed. Overall, green dragon eggs are a testament to the power and majesty of these formidable creatures, serving as a potent symbol of their strength and vitality.

Genetics and Reproduction

Green Dragons reproduce through a process known as mating flights, which occur periodically within their forest territories. During these flights, mature dragons engage in elaborate courtship rituals, displaying their prowess and dominance to potential mates. Male dragons compete for the attention of females by performing aerial acrobatics, emitting powerful roars, and engaging in mock battles to demonstrate their strength and agility. Once a pair of Green Dragons has formed a bond, they retreat to a secluded nesting site deep within the forest to lay their eggs. The female dragon carefully selects a suitable location, typically a hidden cavern or secluded grove, where she can safely incubate her clutch. Green Dragon eggs are large and spherical, with a tough, leathery shell that provides protection from predators and the elements. The female guards the nest vigilantly, using her formidable strength and breath weapon to defend her offspring from any threats.   After a gestation period of several months, the eggs hatch, giving rise to a new generation of Green Dragons. The hatchlings emerge from their shells as tiny, vulnerable creatures, dependent on their parents for nourishment and protection. The parents diligently care for their young, providing them with food, shelter, and guidance as they grow and develop.   As Green Dragons mature, they reach sexual maturity around the age of 50 years. At this stage, they begin to participate in mating flights and seek out potential mates to continue the cycle of reproduction. Green Dragons are highly selective in their choice of mates, preferring individuals who demonstrate strength, intelligence, and compatibility with their own personalities. Once a pair has bonded, they may remain together for life, forming a strong partnership that extends beyond mere reproduction to encompass mutual protection and support in their forest domain.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth of Green Dragons is a gradual process marked by distinct stages, each characterized by physical changes and developmental milestones. Upon hatching from their eggs, Green Dragon hatchlings are small and fragile, relying entirely on their parents for nourishment and protection. During the first few years of life, they undergo rapid growth, increasing in size and strength as they consume large quantities of food and engage in physical activity. As Green Dragons enter adolescence, they experience a period of significant growth and maturation. Their bodies become more muscular and streamlined, enabling them to move with greater speed and agility through their forest habitats. At this stage, they also begin to develop their distinctive crest or fin, which starts as a small protrusion on their snout and gradually extends along the length of their body.   By the time Green Dragons reach adulthood, usually around the age of 50 years, they have attained their full size and strength. Adult Green Dragons are formidable creatures, towering over their surroundings with their impressive stature and commanding presence. They have honed their skills in hunting, flight, and combat, becoming formidable predators capable of dominating their forest territories.   Throughout their lives, Green Dragons continue to grow and develop, albeit at a slower pace than during their early years. They may live for several centuries, accumulating wisdom and experience as they navigate the challenges of their environment and interact with other creatures in the forest. Despite their longevity, Green Dragons remain vigilant and adaptable, always ready to defend their territory and assert their dominance over any rivals that dare to challenge them.

Ecology and Habitats

Green Dragons are intimately connected to the lush forests and verdant landscapes that make up their natural habitat. They thrive in environments where dense vegetation provides ample cover for hunting and nesting, and where abundant prey species support their dietary needs. Forests with diverse ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, and meadows, offer Green Dragons a rich tapestry of resources to exploit. Within their forest habitats, Green Dragons establish territories that they fiercely defend against intruders. They often choose secluded areas deep within the heart of the forest, where they can remain hidden from prying eyes and launch surprise attacks on unsuspecting prey. Green Dragons are adept at blending into their surroundings, using their natural camouflage to ambush prey and evade detection by rivals or would-be predators.   Water sources such as rivers, streams, and ponds are essential features of a Green Dragon's habitat, providing them with drinking water and opportunities for hunting aquatic prey. They may also utilize caves, rocky outcrops, and other natural formations as sheltered lairs where they can rest and raise their young in safety.   The ecology of Green Dragon habitats is intricately balanced, with the dragons playing a crucial role as top predators in their ecosystems. By controlling the populations of herbivores and other creatures, Green Dragons help maintain the health and diversity of the forest environment. They also contribute to nutrient cycling and seed dispersal through their activities, shaping the growth and composition of plant communities over time.   Overall, the ecology and habitat of Green Dragons reflect their close relationship with the natural world and their role as guardians of the forests they call home. As apex predators, they exert a powerful influence on their ecosystems, shaping the balance of life and death in their domain.


Green dragons are renowned for their cunning and resourcefulness when it comes to selecting and fortifying their lairs. Unlike other chromatic dragons that may opt for conspicuous or imposing locations, green dragons prefer hidden and secluded areas, often choosing underground caverns or remote cliffside caves as their primary abodes. These lairs are typically accessed through concealed entrances, with the main ingress cleverly disguised behind natural features such as waterfalls or dense vegetation. For the most powerful green dragons, securing a lair high atop a cliff provides both strategic advantage and a sense of superiority, though such locations are scarce and highly sought after. Once inside their lairs, green dragons employ a variety of tactics to fortify and defend their domain. Using their innate command over nature, they manipulate the surrounding environment to create formidable obstacles for intruders. Tangles of roots and vines are coerced to entwine and immobilize trespassers, while barriers of thorny bushes are summoned to block passages and impede progress. These natural defenses are not only effective at deterring would-be invaders but also serve as a testament to the dragon's mastery over the elements and their domain.   One unique feature of green dragon lairs is the occasional occurrence of "chlorine haze," a phenomenon resulting from the dragon's manipulation of the environment. This haze consists of residual chlorine gas, which is released and trapped within the confines of the lair. While harmless to the dragon itself, the chlorine haze poses a significant threat to intruders, causing discomfort, respiratory distress, and even incapacitation to those exposed. This insidious defense mechanism further reinforces the green dragon's reputation as a cunning and formidable adversary, capable of leveraging both natural and supernatural forces to safeguard its territory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Green Dragons are carnivorous creatures with voracious appetites, feeding primarily on meat. They are apex predators, preying on a wide range of creatures, from small rodents and birds to larger mammals and even other dragons. Their diet consists mainly of fresh meat, which they obtain through hunting or scavenging. One of the key features of Green Dragons' dietary habits is their preference for ambush hunting. They use their natural camouflage and stealth abilities to conceal themselves among the foliage, patiently waiting for unsuspecting prey to wander into striking distance. When the moment is right, they launch a sudden and deadly attack, using their powerful jaws and razor-sharp claws to dispatch their prey with swift efficiency.   In addition to hunting, Green Dragons are also opportunistic feeders, scavenging for carrion whenever the opportunity arises. They are not above stealing kills from other predators or feasting on the remains of animals killed by natural causes. This scavenging behavior allows them to supplement their diet and ensure that they always have enough food to sustain themselves.   Despite their carnivorous nature, Green Dragons are not solely dependent on meat for sustenance. They are known to supplement their diet with other sources of nutrients, including fruits, vegetables, and even fungi. While these plant-based foods may not provide the same level of sustenance as meat, they serve as valuable supplements, especially during times when prey is scarce.   Overall, Green Dragons are opportunistic predators with a diverse diet that allows them to thrive in a variety of environments. Their ability to hunt, scavenge, and adapt to changing conditions ensures that they always have access to the sustenance they need to survive and thrive in the wild.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of Green Dragons is intricately tied to the seasonal rhythms of their forest habitats. Like all dragons, Green Dragons begin their lives as eggs laid by their parents in carefully selected nesting sites within their territories. Green Dragon eggs are large, roughly the size of a human head, and have a mottled green coloration that helps them blend into their surroundings. The parents fiercely guard the eggs until they hatch, ensuring their safety from predators and other threats. Upon hatching, Green Dragon hatchlings are small and vulnerable, relying on their parents for protection and nourishment. They grow rapidly during their early years, fueled by a diet of small mammals, birds, and reptiles hunted by their parents. As they mature, Green Dragons undergo several growth stages, marked by physical changes such as the development of their signature crest or fin and the growth of their wings.   During adolescence, Green Dragons undergo a period of rapid growth and development as they transition into adulthood. This stage is characterized by increased independence from their parents and the establishment of their own territories within their ancestral forest habitats. Green Dragons become more proficient hunters and begin to assert dominance over rival dragons as they vie for control of valuable resources.   Once they reach adulthood, Green Dragons become fully integrated into the ecological fabric of their forest habitats. They play a vital role as apex predators, regulating the populations of prey species and shaping the structure of their ecosystems through their hunting and territorial behaviors. Adult Green Dragons are formidable creatures, capable of defending their territories against intruders and maintaining the balance of life and death within their domain.   As they age, Green Dragons continue to grow in size and strength, accumulating knowledge and experience that further enhances their prowess as hunters and guardians of the forest. Some individuals may live for several centuries, becoming powerful and respected leaders within their communities. Eventually, old age takes its toll, and Green Dragons begin to decline in health and vitality, eventually succumbing to the passage of time and the rigors of their harsh environment.


Green Dragons are renowned for their cunning and manipulative nature, traits that are deeply ingrained in their behavior and psychology. From a young age, Green Dragons exhibit a keen intellect and a knack for strategy, using their superior intelligence to outwit and manipulate both prey and rivals alike. They are masters of deception, often using their natural camouflage and stealth abilities to stalk their prey unseen before striking with deadly precision. Despite their intelligence, Green Dragons are also known for their volatile temperaments and propensity for violence. They have a short fuse and are quick to anger, especially when their authority or territory is challenged. When provoked, Green Dragons can unleash their fury with devastating consequences, laying waste to anything or anyone foolish enough to stand in their way.   In addition to their aggressive tendencies, Green Dragons are highly self-serving creatures, driven by a relentless desire for power, wealth, and dominance. They will go to great lengths to further their own agendas, even if it means betraying allies or manipulating others to do their bidding. Their loyalty extends only to themselves, and they have no qualms about sacrificing others to achieve their goals.   Green Dragons are also highly territorial creatures, fiercely defending their domains against intruders and rivals. They mark their territories with scent markers and elaborate displays of dominance, warning potential threats to stay away or face the consequences. They are willing to fight to the death to protect what is theirs, and they take great pride in their ability to dominate and control their surroundings.   Despite their ruthless nature, Green Dragons are not without their softer side. They form bonds with their offspring and mates, showing a level of care and affection that belies their reputation as cold-blooded killers. However, these displays of affection are often fleeting, overshadowed by their more dominant and aggressive behaviors.   In summary, Green Dragons are complex creatures with a blend of intelligence, cunning, and aggression that makes them formidable adversaries in the wild. They are driven by a relentless desire for power and dominance, willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals. Their manipulative nature, volatile temperaments, and territorial instincts make them both feared and respected by all who encounter them.


Green dragons are notorious for their insatiable greed and their relentless pursuit of wealth and power. Like their chromatic brethren, they amass vast hoards of treasure, hoarding anything of value that catches their eye. However, unlike other dragons who may value precious metals and gems above all else, green dragons exhibit a unique penchant for collecting items that reflect their affinity for nature and manipulation. Among the treasures coveted by green dragons are finely crafted wood carvings, exquisite instruments, and sculptures depicting natural motifs. They have a particular fondness for gemstones with green hues, such as emeralds and beryls, which they prize for their beauty and rarity. Additionally, green dragons often adorn their hoards with rare plants and botanical specimens, cultivated within the confines of their lairs. These living treasures serve as both symbols of the dragon's mastery over nature and as unique and priceless additions to their collection.   However, beyond material wealth, the truest treasures in the eyes of green dragons are the sentient beings they claim as servants and minions. Renowned individuals from across the Realms, including celebrated artists, daring adventurers, and learned scholars, are coveted prizes for green dragons seeking to bolster their prestige and influence. These captives are not only prized for their skills and talents but also serve as living trophies, symbols of the dragon's dominance and superiority over lesser beings. For a green dragon, the possession of such individuals is a testament to their power and a source of endless satisfaction and pride.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Green dragons are notorious for their solitary nature, preferring to live and hunt alone in their secluded forest territories. They are fiercely territorial creatures, fiercely guarding their domain against intruders and rivals. Despite their solitary tendencies, green dragons are not entirely devoid of social interactions. They may form temporary alliances or work together in pairs or small groups, particularly when faced with a common threat or when seeking to achieve a shared goal. Within the hierarchy of green dragon society, dominance is determined primarily by strength, cunning, and territorial control. Older and more powerful dragons typically assert dominance over their younger counterparts, commanding respect and deference through displays of power and intimidation. However, green dragons are known for their cunning and manipulative nature, often resorting to deception and trickery to gain the upper hand in social interactions.   Despite their tendency towards isolation, green dragons are not entirely antisocial creatures. They may engage in occasional interactions with other dragons, especially during mating seasons or when seeking out potential allies. However, these interactions are typically brief and transactional, with little emotional attachment or long-term commitment involved.   Overall, the social structure of green dragons is characterized by a delicate balance of power and rivalry, with individuals fiercely guarding their independence while also recognizing the benefits of cooperation when necessary.


Some green dragons held strong connections to the Feywild, and some were even known to serve the malevolent Archfey Ureh, the Queen of Air and Darkness.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Green dragons have long been known to possess a unique vulnerability to certain poisonous roots found throughout the realms. When consumed, these roots induce mildly psychoactive effects on green dragons, exacerbating their already impudent behavior when socializing with their kind. This psychoactive effect can vary in intensity depending on the dosage and potency of the roots, leading to unpredictable behavior patterns and heightened aggression in affected dragons. In addition to their vulnerability to certain toxins, green dragons also possess scales that contain unique properties highly prized by craftsmen and alchemists alike. Armor crafted from the scales of green dragons offers the wearer unparalleled protection against clouds of poisonous gas, such as those released by iron golems or the spell cloudkill. The scales of green dragons are naturally resistant to corrosive substances and toxins, making them ideal for crafting protective armor for adventurers and warriors venturing into hazardous environments.   The exploitation of green dragons for their scales and vulnerabilities has led to a lucrative trade industry in certain regions of the realms. Hunters and adventurers seek out green dragons for their valuable scales, which can fetch a high price on the market. Alchemists and potion-makers also seek out the venomous glands and bodily fluids of green dragons for use in crafting potent poisons and antidotes. However, the exploitation of green dragons comes with its risks, as these formidable creatures are fiercely territorial and quick to retaliate against those who threaten their domain. As a result, only the most skilled and daring individuals dare to venture into the lairs of green dragons in search of their valuable resources.

Facial characteristics

Green dragons have elongated, reptilian faces with sharp, angular features. Their eyes are typically deep-set and narrow, often glowing with a sinister intelligence. The most striking feature of a green dragon's face is its large, sweeping crest or fin that starts at the dragon's nose and runs the entire length of its body. This crest is often adorned with ridges or spines, giving the dragon a menacing appearance. The dragon's mouth is filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, perfect for tearing apart prey or intimidating foes. Overall, the facial structure of a green dragon exudes an aura of cunning and malevolence.

Average Intelligence

Intelligent, but less so than others; adept in cruel manipulations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Green Dragons possess a keen perception honed by their deep connection to the natural world. Their senses are finely attuned to the rhythms and nuances of their environment, allowing them to navigate dense forests and tangled undergrowth with ease. Their vision is particularly acute, capable of discerning subtle shifts in light and shadow amidst the dense foliage. This heightened visual acuity enables them to spot potential threats or prey from great distances, giving them a strategic advantage in their forested domains. In addition to their keen senses, Green Dragons possess remarkable extrasensory abilities rooted in their affinity with nature. They can sense disturbances in the natural order, such as disruptions to the balance of ecosystems or the presence of intruders in their territory. This innate connection to the natural world allows them to communicate with flora and fauna, granting them insights into the secrets of the wilderness.   Furthermore, Green Dragons possess a unique form of extrasensory perception known as "green sight," which grants them the ability to perceive the flow of life energy within living beings and the land itself. This heightened awareness allows them to detect subtle shifts in the balance of nature, making them adept guardians of their forest domains. With their keen perception, sensory acuity, and extrasensory abilities, Green Dragons are formidable predators and guardians of the wild.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Green dragon names are characterized by their harsh sounds and often lengthy compositions, which can pose a challenge for those unfamiliar with draconic linguistics. While female names tend to have slightly more melodic qualities compared to their male counterparts, the distinctions between the two genders can be subtle at best. Official male names exhibit a formidable presence, with examples including Andareunarthex, Buchembrallor, Dretchroyaster, and Grimnoshtadrano. In contrast, female names maintain a similar level of potency while incorporating a touch of elegance, with examples such as Aglaraerose, Jaerathindryl, Orlarrakh, and Verthandantalynx. These names reflect the primal nature and commanding presence of green dragons, evoking images of power and dominance befitting of these fearsome creatures.

Major Organizations


The overarching civilization for the Green Dragon-brood, commanding all green Dragonkin.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty for green dragons lies not in traditional aesthetics but in the cunning and manipulative prowess they possess. These dragons find beauty in dominance, power, and the ability to bend others to their will. Their keen intellect and deceptive nature are highly prized traits, as they allow green dragons to outmaneuver and control those around them. Green dragons are known for their shrewdness and cunning, and they consider these qualities to be the epitome of beauty. They admire individuals who are able to outsmart their opponents and manipulate situations to their advantage, viewing such cunning as a reflection of inner strength and superiority. In the eyes of green dragons, beauty is not measured by physical appearance but by one's ability to exert control and influence over others, making them the true masters of their domain.

Gender Ideals

In the world of green dragons, gender plays a secondary role to intellect, cunning, and dominance. While they acknowledge biological differences between males and females, these distinctions hold little significance in their hierarchical society. Green dragons value intelligence, strategic thinking, and the ability to manipulate situations to one's advantage above all else, regardless of gender. However, there are subtle nuances in the gender roles within green dragon society. Males may be more inclined towards physical displays of strength and aggression, while females might excel in subtle manipulation and psychological warfare. Despite these tendencies, green dragons ultimately judge individuals based on their intelligence, cunning, and ability to wield power effectively, regardless of their gender. In the eyes of green dragons, true superiority lies in one's mastery of the mind and the ability to outwit adversaries, transcending the limitations of gender stereotypes.

Courtship Ideals

In the intricate dance of courtship among green dragons, it is the females who take the lead, displaying assertiveness and boldness characteristic of their cunning nature. Their courtship rituals are marked by displays of dominance and prowess, with females often initiating interactions with potential mates through aggressive displays of strength and intelligence. These displays serve as tests of the male's mettle and wit, as females seek partners who can match their cunning and resourcefulness. Once courtship is successful and mating occurs, the dynamic between mated green dragons undergoes a significant transformation. The relationship shifts from one of initial aggression and competition to a deep and enduring bond founded on mutual respect and trust. Mated pairs of green dragons form a formidable partnership, combining their strengths and skills to navigate the challenges of their environment and protect their territory and offspring.   Despite their fierce and often solitary nature, green dragons recognize the value of companionship and cooperation, especially within the context of raising their young. Mated pairs work together harmoniously to nurture and protect their eggs and hatchlings, demonstrating a level of care and devotion that belies their reputation for cunning and deceit. In this way, the bond between mated green dragons transcends the initial courtship rituals, evolving into a powerful alliance built on mutual respect, cooperation, and shared goals.

Relationship Ideals

The bond between a mated pair of Green Dragons transcends mere partnership, evolving into a profound and unwavering commitment to each other and their offspring. Upon successfully incubating their eggs, both the mother and father exhibit a remarkable dedication to their newly-hatched wyrmlings. They remain steadfastly by their side, providing protection, nourishment, and guidance as the young dragons grow and develop. Green dragons are unique among chromatic dragons in their willingness to make ultimate sacrifices for the sake of their brood. Despite their reputation for cunning and self-interest, mated pairs of green dragons demonstrate a depth of parental devotion that is unparalleled among their kind. They are known to put their own lives on the line to ensure the safety and well-being of their offspring, facing down formidable adversaries and confronting perilous challenges without hesitation.   This selfless willingness to sacrifice for the sake of their young speaks to the profound love and dedication that mated pairs of green dragons have for each other and their family. It underscores the importance they place on the continuity of their lineage and the preservation of their legacy, ensuring that their progeny have the best possible chance of thriving in the dangerous world of Ostrium. In this way, the bond between mated green dragons serves as a testament to the enduring power of love and the strength of familial ties in the face of adversity.

Common Etiquette Rules

Green dragons adhere to a set of social norms and behaviors that govern their interactions with others of their kind and with different species they encounter in Ostrium. Despite their reputation for cunning and manipulation, green dragons possess a sophisticated sense of etiquette that reflects their hierarchical social structure and individualistic nature. In their dealings with other green dragons, etiquette dictates a complex dance of dominance and submission, with displays of power and cunning serving as currency in their interactions. Younger or subordinate dragons are expected to defer to their elders or those with greater strength and influence, while those in positions of authority must command respect through displays of dominance and cunning.   When interacting with other species, green dragons often adopt a more subtle approach, using their powers of manipulation and deceit to achieve their goals. They may employ flattery, deception, or intimidation to assert their dominance or manipulate others into serving their interests. However, even in their dealings with non-dragon creatures, green dragons adhere to a code of conduct that emphasizes the importance of maintaining their reputation and standing within the broader community.   Despite their penchant for deceit and manipulation, green dragons are not without a sense of honor and respect for certain customs and traditions. They understand the importance of keeping their word and honoring agreements, albeit with a healthy dose of skepticism and self-interest. Ultimately, etiquette for green dragons is a means to an end, a tool to be wielded in service of their goals and ambitions in the complex and competitive world of Ostrium.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture and cultural heritage of green dragons are deeply intertwined with their innate characteristics of cunning, ambition, and self-interest. As one of the most manipulative and conniving of dragonkind, green dragons have cultivated a society that values deception, power, and dominance above all else. At the heart of green dragon culture is a reverence for individualism and personal ambition. Green dragons are fiercely independent creatures, each vying for dominance and supremacy within their own territories. This culture of competition and rivalry fosters a society where cunning and manipulation are prized above brute strength, and dragons must constantly outmaneuver and outwit their rivals to maintain their position.   Green dragons also place great importance on their reputation and standing within the broader draconic community. They are keenly aware of the power of perception and will go to great lengths to cultivate an image of strength, cunning, and invincibility. Tales of their exploits and achievements are passed down through generations, shaping the cultural identity of green dragons and fueling their ambition for greatness.   In addition to their individual ambitions, green dragons also share a collective heritage that dates back to the dawn of dragonkind. They take pride in their lineage and ancestry, tracing their lineage back to the ancient dragons of old. This shared heritage serves as a source of inspiration and motivation, driving green dragons to surpass the accomplishments of their forebears and carve out their own place in history.   Overall, the culture of green dragons is defined by a relentless pursuit of power, prestige, and dominance. It is a world where cunning and manipulation reign supreme, and dragons must constantly navigate a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and betrayals to survive and thrive in the cutthroat world of Ostrium.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Green dragons, with their cunning and manipulative nature, have developed a rich tapestry of customs and traditions that reflect their values of ambition, power, and dominance. One of the most prominent customs among green dragons is the practice of elaborate displays of dominance and aggression to establish hierarchy and territory. During these displays, green dragons engage in a variety of behaviors designed to assert their dominance over rivals and competitors. This can include aggressive posturing, territorial displays, and even physical confrontations to determine superiority. These displays serve not only to establish dominance but also to reinforce the social order within green dragon society.   Another common tradition among green dragons is the practice of deceit and subterfuge in all aspects of their interactions with others. Green dragons are master manipulators and excel at using lies, deception, and cunning to achieve their goals. This tradition of deceit extends to all aspects of their lives, from interactions with other dragons to dealings with other creatures in the world of Ostrium.   In addition to their penchant for deception, green dragons also have a tradition of hoarding wealth and treasures as a symbol of their power and status. They amass vast hordes of gold, jewels, and magical artifacts, which they guard fiercely and use to further their ambitions. This tradition of hoarding wealth serves as both a display of their dominance and a means of securing their position within green dragon society.   Furthermore, green dragons have a tradition of territorialism and isolationism, preferring to establish their lairs in remote and inaccessible locations where they can rule uncontested. They fiercely defend their territory from intruders and view any encroachment as a direct challenge to their authority.   Overall, the customs and traditions of green dragons reflect their values of ambition, power, and dominance. They have developed a complex social hierarchy based on displays of aggression and deceit, and they take great pride in their ability to outmaneuver and outwit their rivals in the pursuit of greatness.

Common Taboos

In the secretive and cunning world of green dragons, certain behaviors are considered taboo and are strictly forbidden within their society. These taboos serve to maintain order, respect, and the balance of power among green dragons, and transgressing them can result in severe consequences. One of the most significant taboos among green dragons is the betrayal of trust or breaking of oaths. Green dragons place great importance on honor and integrity, albeit in their own twisted way, and any dragon found to have betrayed the trust of another or broken an oath will face swift and merciless punishment. This taboo ensures that alliances and agreements among green dragons are upheld and respected, preventing chaos and discord within their society.   Another taboo among green dragons is the abuse of power or authority. While green dragons are known for their cunning and manipulative nature, they are also expected to wield their power responsibly and with restraint. Any dragon who abuses their authority or uses their power for malicious purposes risks being ostracized or even targeted by their peers, as such behavior undermines the stability and cohesion of green dragon society.   Additionally, green dragons hold a taboo against weakness or vulnerability. In their world, only the strong survive, and any dragon perceived as weak or vulnerable is seen as a liability and a threat to the collective strength of their society. Green dragons are expected to project an image of strength and invincibility at all times, and showing signs of weakness can result in ridicule, scorn, or even aggression from their peers.   Furthermore, green dragons have a taboo against failure or defeat. They are fiercely competitive creatures who view any setback or loss as a personal affront to their pride and status. Dragons who fail to achieve their goals or who are defeated in battle are seen as inferior and unworthy of respect, and they may be shunned or cast out from green dragon society as a result.   Overall, the taboos of green dragons serve to uphold the values of honor, integrity, strength, and cunning within their society. By adhering to these taboos, green dragons ensure the stability and cohesion of their society while also asserting their dominance and power over their rivals.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Green dragons are notorious for their manipulative and cunning nature, often using their intelligence and guile to exploit non-dragon creatures for their own benefit. However, despite their ruthless reputation, green dragons generally refrain from scheming or plotting against their own kind, particularly their parents. This reluctance to betray familial bonds may stem from a combination of respect for their elders, fear of reprisal, and an understanding of the potential consequences of such actions within green dragon society. While green dragons are not known for their sentimentality or loyalty, they recognize the importance of maintaining stability and order within their own familial structures. Instead of targeting their own kind, green dragons are more inclined to enlist the aid of lesser creatures to further their schemes and ambitions. These minions serve as pawns in the dragon's intricate plots, carrying out tasks and gathering information on their behalf. Among the creatures known to regularly serve green dragons are kobolds, goblins, ettercaps, orcs, yuan-ti, and ettins. These minions are drawn to the power and influence of green dragons, and they willingly offer their services in exchange for protection, wealth, or other favors. While green dragons may view these creatures with disdain or indifference, they recognize the value of having loyal minions to carry out their will and further their goals.   By employing minions from various races and backgrounds, green dragons are able to leverage their influence and expand their reach across the land. These minions provide valuable resources, manpower, and information, allowing green dragons to maintain their dominance and control over their territories. While they may view their minions as expendable assets, green dragons understand the importance of nurturing these alliances and ensuring the loyalty of their followers. In the cutthroat world of dragon politics, having a network of loyal minions can mean the difference between success and failure, and green dragons are not above using any means necessary to achieve their ambitions.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draco viridus
Average Height
20-25 feet (6-7.5 meters)
Average Weight
15,000-30,000 pounds (6,800-13,600 kilograms)
Average Length
30-60 feet (9-18 meters)
Average Physique
Lean, muscular, sinewy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green dragons are aptly named for their predominant coloration, which ranges from dark forest green to vibrant emerald hues. Their scales are arranged in overlapping patterns across their bodies, providing them with both protection and flexibility. These scales possess a glossy sheen, enhancing the dragon's imposing presence. In addition to their primary green coloring, green dragons often exhibit subtle variations in shade, with darker patches near their joints and lighter streaks along their undersides. One of the most distinctive features of green dragons is their intricate patterning and markings. These markings can vary widely between individuals, ranging from subtle swirls and stripes to bold geometric patterns. These patterns serve as a form of camouflage in their forest habitats, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the dense foliage. In some cases, green dragons may also bear scars or battle-worn patches on their scales, evidence of their violent encounters and territorial disputes.   Overall, the body tint, coloring, and markings of green dragons combine to create a visually striking and intimidating appearance, perfectly suited to their role as cunning and manipulative predators.


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