White Dragons

The White Dragons, known for their savage nature and primal instincts, are the smallest and weakest among the chromatic dragons. These formidable creatures are native to the coldest regions of Ostrium, where they roam the icy tundras and frozen wastelands with unrivaled ferocity. With their sleek, streamlined bodies and shimmering, frost-covered scales, White Dragons are perfectly adapted to their frigid environments. Despite their diminutive size compared to other chromatic dragons, they are no less dangerous, wielding their icy breath and razor-sharp claws with deadly precision. As solitary hunters, White Dragons fiercely guard their territories and prey upon any unfortunate creatures that dare to trespass into their domain. Their primal instincts drive them to seek out the thrill of the hunt and the taste of fresh blood, making them feared and respected predators in the icy wilderness of Ostrium.

Basic Information


White dragons are the smallest of the chromatic dragons, typically smaller even than black dragons. Their bodies are streamlined and agile, adapted for swift movement through icy terrain. Their coloration ranges from pure white to shades of grey and ice-blue, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their arctic surroundings. Physically, white dragons are distinguished by several unique features. They have short necks and a flap of skin, known as a dewlap, adorned with spines beneath their chins. Their heads are sleek and featureless, with high crests atop their skulls. Their toes are spaced widely apart, equipped with barbed claws to aid in traversing icy surfaces.   White dragons possess thin eyelids that protect them from snowblindness while surveying their frozen domains. As wyrmlings, they exhibit less pronounced crests and small stubs where their future horns will grow. Their bodies are covered in a leathery white hide, lacking the scales found on older white dragons. Additionally, they emit a crisp, vaguely chemical odor that is characteristic of their species.

White Dragon Eggs

A dragon egg could be identified as belonging to a white by the greenish-white tinge seen when held in front of an intense white light, though it shared this trait with green dragons and any dragon breed with a gas or vapor breath weapon.

Genetics and Reproduction

White dragons reproduce through sexual reproduction, with mating typically occurring between a male and a female dragon. During the mating season, which typically occurs in the colder months of the year, male white dragons compete for the attention of females through displays of strength and dominance. Once a mating pair has been established, the female will lay a clutch of eggs, usually numbering between eight to ten. The process of egg-laying is a significant event for white dragons, as the eggs must be carefully incubated to ensure the survival of the offspring. White dragon eggs are buried in snow or encased in ice during the incubation period, which lasts for approximately fourteen months. The first three and a half months of incubation take place within the mother's body before the eggs are laid.   Despite the careful incubation process, the survival rate of white dragon eggs is relatively low, with only a quarter to a third of the eggs typically hatching successfully. This low survival rate underscores the harsh and unforgiving nature of the arctic environments where white dragons make their homes, as well as the challenges faced by young white dragons as they struggle to survive in their icy surroundings.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rates and stages of white dragons follow a pattern similar to other chromatic dragons, albeit with some unique characteristics reflective of their arctic environment. White dragon wyrmlings hatch from their eggs after the incubation period, emerging as small, vulnerable creatures with a leathery white hide in place of scales. At this stage, their bodies are streamlined, lacking the pronounced crest and horns of adult white dragons. As wyrmlings, white dragons are highly dependent on their parents for protection and nourishment. They spend much of their time learning survival skills and honing their hunting instincts in the frigid landscapes where they dwell. Over time, they begin to grow larger and develop the distinctive features of adult white dragons, including their high crests atop their skulls and the flap of skin beneath their chins known as a dewlap.   As they progress through adolescence and into adulthood, white dragons continue to grow in size and strength, gradually becoming more proficient hunters and more formidable adversaries for potential threats. Their senses become finely attuned to their icy surroundings, allowing them to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease and to detect prey from great distances.   Ultimately, adult white dragons reach their full size and maturity, becoming apex predators in their arctic habitats. At this stage, they are capable of hunting and subduing large prey with ease, using their keen senses, formidable physical abilities, and icy breath to dominate their environment. Throughout their lives, white dragons continue to grow in strength and stature, becoming ever more formidable as they age.

Ecology and Habitats

White dragons are well adapted to the harsh conditions of frozen landscapes, and they typically inhabit regions where ice and snow dominate the environment. These creatures make their homes in a variety of icy locales, including frozen tundras, snow-covered caves, and towering ice-capped mountains. They are equally at home in arctic wastelands, where the bitter cold and biting winds serve as little deterrent to their formidable abilities. Their choice of habitat often reflects their preference for secluded and inhospitable environments, where they can establish lairs far from prying eyes and potential threats. White dragons are known to carve out their caves by applying their breath weapon to tightly packed snow, instantly transforming it into solid ice and creating a secure stronghold within the frozen landscape. These caverns provide protection from the elements and serve as ideal locations for storing their hoards of treasure and rearing their young.   While some white dragons may dwell in isolated mountain peaks or remote forests, the majority prefer the desolate beauty of arctic regions, where they can reign supreme as apex predators. In these frozen wastelands, they are free to roam vast expanses of ice and snow in search of prey, using their keen senses and formidable hunting skills to track and capture unsuspecting victims.   The harsh conditions of their habitat have shaped the behavior and physiology of white dragons, making them well suited to thrive in the unforgiving cold of the arctic wilderness. From their razor-sharp claws and powerful wings to their keen senses and icy breath, every aspect of their being reflects their mastery of the frozen realms they call home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of white dragons are intricately intertwined with their frigid habitat and the harsh conditions of their icy domain. As carnivorous creatures, these dragons primarily subsist on a diet of meat, which they acquire through hunting and scavenging in the frozen wilderness. White dragons are opportunistic hunters, preying on a wide range of creatures that inhabit their arctic environment. They are known to target various arctic animals such as seals, walruses, polar bears, and smaller mammals like deer and elk. Additionally, they are skilled fishermen, adept at catching fish from frozen lakes and rivers with their sharp claws and teeth.   During periods of scarcity, white dragons may resort to scavenging for food, feeding on the carcasses of dead animals left behind by other predators or scavengers. They are also known to raid the territories of other creatures, stealing food and resources to sustain themselves during lean times.   One of the most distinctive features of white dragon feeding habits is their ability to preserve their food for later consumption. They often stash their kills in icy caverns or buried beneath snowdrifts, where the cold temperatures prevent spoilage and preserve the meat for extended periods.   Overall, the dietary needs of white dragons are closely tied to the availability of prey in their frozen habitat. Their adaptive hunting strategies and resourcefulness allow them to thrive in the harsh conditions of the arctic wilderness, ensuring their survival in one of the most unforgiving environments on Ostrium.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of white dragons is intricately linked to the harsh environments they inhabit and the unique challenges they face in their frozen domain. From birth to adulthood, these creatures undergo a series of stages that shape their growth, behavior, and survival strategies. At the earliest stage of their lives, white dragons emerge as wyrmlings, small and vulnerable hatchlings that rely entirely on their parents for protection and sustenance. During this phase, they are sheltered within the safety of their icy lairs, where they are nurtured and cared for by their mother until they are strong enough to fend for themselves.   As they grow, white dragons undergo a rapid development process, marked by significant physical changes and the acquisition of new abilities. Their bodies gradually increase in size and strength, allowing them to venture out into the frozen wilderness in search of food and territory. During this time, they hone their hunting skills and learn to navigate the treacherous terrain of their icy homeland.   As they reach maturity, white dragons become formidable predators, capable of dominating their frozen domain with their sheer power and ferocity. They establish their own territories and lairs, where they reign as apex predators, ruling over the icy wastelands with ruthless efficiency.   Throughout their lives, white dragons continue to grow and evolve, adapting to the ever-changing conditions of their environment and honing their skills as hunters and warriors. With each passing year, they become more formidable adversaries, capable of facing any challenge that comes their way and asserting their dominance over the frozen wilderness they call home.


The behavior and psychology of white dragons are shaped by their harsh arctic environment and their innate predatory instincts. Unlike some of their more malevolent chromatic counterparts, white dragons are not driven by a sadistic desire to inflict pain or dominate others. Instead, they are creatures of survival, adapted to thrive in the frigid expanses of ice and snow. White dragons exhibit a blend of intelligence, cunning, and primal aggression. While they may not possess the same level of malevolence as black dragons or the fiery temperament of red dragons, they are still formidable predators capable of defending their territory with deadly efficiency.   One of the most striking aspects of white dragon behavior is their exceptional memory and capacity for vengeance. These creatures hold grudges with remarkable tenacity, and they will go to great lengths to track down and exact revenge on any individuals who dare to cross them. Whether it takes days, months, or even years, white dragons are known for their relentless pursuit of those who have wronged them, driven by a deep-seated instinct for retribution.   Despite their solitary nature, white dragons are not without a certain level of social intelligence. They are adept at assessing threats and opportunities in their environment, and they may form temporary alliances with other creatures if it serves their interests. However, these alliances are typically short-lived and based solely on mutual benefit rather than genuine camaraderie.   In combat, white dragons rely on their formidable physical strength, sharp claws, and powerful jaws to overpower their prey. They are skilled hunters and ambush predators, using the element of surprise to gain the upper hand in a confrontation. While not as ferocious as their red or black dragon counterparts, white dragons are nonetheless dangerous adversaries, capable of delivering swift and lethal strikes to anyone foolish enough to provoke their ire.   Overall, the behavior and psychology of white dragons reflect their status as apex predators of the frozen north. They are cunning, resourceful, and relentless in their pursuit of survival, embodying the harsh and unforgiving nature of their arctic habitat.


White dragons are known for their preference for hoarding treasures that reflect the icy beauty of their arctic habitats. Unlike some other dragon species that covet gold or precious jewels, white dragons are drawn to glittering treasures that resemble ice and snow. Their hoards often include an assortment of dazzling gemstones such as diamonds, sapphires, and other light gems that glisten like freshly fallen snow under the pale light of the moon. In addition to gemstones, white dragons also favor precious metals such as platinum and silver, which gleam like frost in the cold northern sun. Anything reflective or polished, including mirrors, ornate sculptures, and intricately crafted jewelry, is highly prized by these creatures and may find a place within their hoards.   Artifacts that evoke the beauty and majesty of the frozen wilderness are also valued by white dragons. They may collect intricate carvings of ice sculptures, delicate snowflake patterns etched into crystal, or elaborate tapestries depicting scenes of winter landscapes. These items serve not only as symbols of the dragon's power and wealth but also as reminders of their connection to the frozen realms they call home.   Overall, the hoards of white dragons reflect their affinity for the icy splendor of the arctic wilderness. Each treasure carefully selected and curated to capture the essence of the frozen north, serving as a testament to the dragon's dominance over the frigid domain they rule.

Additional Information

Social Structure

White dragons are solitary creatures by nature, preferring the solitude of their icy lairs to the company of others. They fiercely guard their territories and rarely tolerate the presence of other dragons, even those of their own kind. Each white dragon claims a specific territory, which they defend aggressively against intruders. Their social structure is characterized by dominance and territoriality, with stronger individuals exerting control over larger territories. While they may tolerate the presence of other creatures in their territory, they rarely form alliances or cooperative relationships, preferring to rely on their own strength and cunning to survive. However, during mating season, male white dragons may temporarily join forces with a female to ensure the survival of their offspring, but this partnership is short-lived and often fraught with conflict. Overall, white dragons are fiercely independent and solitary creatures, preferring to live and hunt alone in their frozen domains.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

White dragons have limited uses and byproducts compared to other dragons due to their solitary nature and preference for cold, desolate environments. However, their icy habitats offer unique opportunities for exploration and discovery. Adventurers and scholars may seek out white dragon lairs in search of valuable treasures, magical artifacts, or ancient knowledge hidden within their frozen domains. The ice and snow surrounding a white dragon's lair can also contain valuable resources such as rare minerals, gemstones, or alchemical components. Additionally, the bones, scales, and organs of slain white dragons may have practical uses in crafting armor, weapons, or magical potions. However, such endeavors are often dangerous and fraught with peril, as white dragons fiercely defend their territories against intruders. Nonetheless, the allure of the unknown and the promise of untold riches continue to draw brave souls to the frigid realms inhabited by these majestic but deadly creatures.

Facial characteristics

White dragons have streamlined, featureless heads with high crests atop their skulls. Their faces lack prominent features, giving them a somewhat alien appearance. Their eyes are typically small and icy blue in color, allowing them to blend in with their snowy surroundings. They have thin eyelids to protect against snowblindness, and their nostrils are small slits to prevent ice from entering. White dragons also have a flap of skin, called a dewlap, lined with spines beneath their chins, which they can use for communication and intimidation. Overall, their facial features are adapted for survival in cold, harsh environments.

Average Intelligence

Low to Average Intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

White dragons possess keen senses that are finely tuned to their arctic environments. Their vision is acute, allowing them to spot prey from great distances even in blizzard conditions. Their sense of smell is particularly sensitive, enabling them to detect the scent of potential prey or intruders from miles away. In addition to their physical senses, white dragons possess certain extrasensory abilities that are attuned to the frigid landscapes they inhabit. They have an innate sense for changes in weather patterns, allowing them to anticipate incoming storms or blizzards. This ability enables them to prepare their lairs and secure their territories against the harsh elements.   White dragons also possess a unique form of extrasensory perception known as ice sense. This ability allows them to detect the presence of creatures or objects hidden beneath snow or ice, giving them an advantage when hunting or defending their territory. Ice sense also allows them to navigate treacherous terrain with ease, avoiding hidden hazards and potential traps. Overall, the combination of their acute physical senses and extrasensory abilities makes white dragons formidable hunters and guardians of the frozen north.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

White dragon names are renowned for their harsh and guttural sounds, often incorporating a mix of consonants and vowels that can be difficult to pronounce. Similar to other dragon names, they tend to be lengthy, adding to their mystique and complexity. Female names, while still possessing the characteristic harshness, often have a slightly more melodic quality compared to their male counterparts. This difference is particularly notable in the endings of the names, with female names frequently concluding with a vowel, whereas male names consistently end with a consonant. Additionally, female names tend to lack some of the harsher tones found in male names, such as the letter "x." Despite these distinctions, both male and female white dragon names evoke a sense of power and otherworldly allure. Official male names include imposing titles like Thlaaklauthimir, Ikzinfraxis, Glaxenheim, and Aurbangras. Meanwhile, official female names exhibit their own commanding presence with examples like Augaurath, Arkhelthingril, and Ghaulantatra.

Beauty Ideals

White dragons, while not typically associated with notions of traditional beauty, possess a stark and awe-inspiring appearance that commands attention in its own right. Their beauty lies in their raw and untamed nature, reflecting the pristine and icy landscapes they call home. The gleaming white scales of a white dragon, often accented with hints of icy blue, evoke a sense of purity and majesty, reminiscent of the untouched snow-covered peaks of their habitat. Their slender yet powerful physique, adorned with sleek and streamlined features, exudes an aura of elegance and grace, despite their ferocious and feral nature. In the eyes of other creatures dwelling in arctic realms, the imposing presence of a white dragon against the backdrop of icy terrain symbolizes the untamed power and inherent beauty of the frozen wilderness.

Gender Ideals

In the gender ideals of white dragons, there exists a subtle but discernible distinction between male and female dragons, primarily reflected in their roles and behaviors within the dragon community. While both genders are valued for their strength, cunning, and survival instincts, females are often revered for their nurturing and protective instincts, particularly when it comes to safeguarding their offspring and ensuring the survival of the species. Females are also admired for their resilience and adaptability, traits that are essential for thriving in the harsh and unforgiving environments that white dragons inhabit. In contrast, male white dragons are typically celebrated for their prowess in hunting and defending territory, as well as their strategic prowess in combat situations. However, both genders are equally respected for their contributions to the survival and prosperity of the white dragon species, with each playing a vital role in the complex social dynamics of dragon society.

Courtship Ideals

In the courtship ideals of white dragons, the process is characterized by a delicate balance of power, display of strength, and subtle displays of affection. Courtship begins with the male white dragon seeking out a suitable mate, typically a female of similar size, strength, and intelligence. To impress the female, the male engages in elaborate displays of prowess, such as aerial acrobatics, intimidating displays of physical strength, and demonstrations of hunting skills. The female, in turn, assesses the male's suitability as a mate based on his performance, evaluating factors such as his ability to provide for and protect her and any potential offspring. Once a suitable mate has been chosen, the courtship ritual enters a more intimate phase, characterized by subtle displays of affection and mutual grooming. This phase allows the male and female to strengthen their bond and establish trust and mutual respect. Throughout the courtship process, communication plays a crucial role, with the dragons using a combination of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking to convey their intentions and desires.   Ultimately, successful courtship culminates in a mating ritual, during which the male and female white dragons come together to mate. This process is typically brief but intense, with both partners fully committing to the act as a symbol of their bond and commitment to each other. After mating, the male and female dragons may continue to engage in displays of affection and bonding as they prepare for the arrival of their offspring, further solidifying their partnership and strengthening their familial ties.

Relationship Ideals

White dragons, while often solitary creatures, value relationships that provide mutual benefit and support. Despite their solitary nature, white dragons recognize the importance of forming alliances and partnerships, particularly when it comes to ensuring their survival and dominance in their territory. While they may not form deep emotional bonds with other dragons or creatures, they are pragmatic in their approach to relationships and are willing to cooperate with others if it serves their interests. In terms of mate selection, white dragons prioritize qualities such as strength, intelligence, and resourcefulness. They seek out partners who can complement their own abilities and contribute to the success of their endeavors. Once a mate has been chosen, white dragons are fiercely loyal and protective, forming strong bonds with their chosen partner and working together to defend their territory and raise their offspring.   White dragons also value alliances with other creatures, particularly those that can provide them with food, protection, or other resources. They may form temporary alliances with creatures such as frost giants, yetis, or winter wolves to hunt or defend their territory. However, these alliances are often based on mutual self-interest rather than genuine friendship or camaraderie.   Overall, the relationship ideals of white dragons are pragmatic and focused on ensuring their own survival and dominance. While they may form bonds with mates and allies, these relationships are primarily transactional, driven by a desire for mutual benefit rather than emotional attachment.

Common Etiquette Rules

White dragons, despite their feral nature, adhere to certain codes of behavior and etiquette within their own societies and when interacting with other creatures. While they are known for their ferocity and aggression, they understand the importance of maintaining order and respect within their communities, as well as in their interactions with other beings. One aspect of white dragon etiquette is the recognition of hierarchy and dominance. Within a white dragon's territory, there is typically a dominant individual or pair that holds sway over the others. Subordinate dragons and creatures are expected to defer to the dominant individuals and follow their directives. This hierarchy is often enforced through displays of strength and dominance, such as physical confrontations or displays of the dragon's breath weapon.   Respect for territory boundaries is another important aspect of white dragon etiquette. White dragons are fiercely territorial creatures and will defend their territory against intruders. However, they also recognize the boundaries of other dragons and will generally avoid encroaching on another dragon's territory without permission. When crossing into another dragon's territory, white dragons will often announce their presence and seek permission from the dominant dragon before proceeding.   White dragons also adhere to certain social customs when interacting with other creatures. While they may be aggressive and predatory, they understand the value of cooperation and diplomacy in certain situations. When negotiating with other beings, white dragons may engage in displays of intimidation or dominance to assert their authority, but they also recognize the importance of compromise and mutual benefit.   In summary, the common etiquette of white dragons revolves around hierarchy, territory, and respect for others' boundaries. While they are fierce and territorial creatures, they understand the value of cooperation and diplomacy when it serves their interests. By adhering to these codes of behavior, white dragons are able to maintain order and assert their dominance in their environments.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture and cultural heritage of white dragons are deeply rooted in their icy habitats and primal instincts. As creatures of the frozen wilderness, white dragons have developed a culture that revolves around survival, dominance, and adaptation to their harsh environment. Their culture is characterized by a blend of instinctual behaviors and learned traditions passed down through generations. At the core of white dragon culture is the concept of strength and dominance. White dragons value physical prowess and cunning above all else, and they respect individuals who demonstrate these qualities. From a young age, white dragon wyrmlings are taught to fend for themselves and prove their strength through hunting and combat. This emphasis on individual strength shapes their social hierarchy, with the most powerful and dominant dragons rising to positions of leadership within their communities.   White dragons also have a rich oral tradition that encompasses myths, legends, and stories passed down through generations. These tales often revolve around heroic feats, epic battles, and the legendary prowess of past dragons. Through these stories, white dragons learn valuable lessons about survival, strategy, and the importance of strength in the face of adversity.   Despite their solitary nature, white dragons occasionally come together in loose-knit communities known as clans. These clans are typically led by the strongest and most dominant individuals, who enforce order and discipline among their members. Within these clans, white dragons share resources, territory, and knowledge, forming tight-knit bonds based on mutual survival.   White dragons also have a deep connection to their environment and the creatures that inhabit it. They view themselves as the rightful rulers of the icy wilderness, and they take great pride in their ability to survive and thrive in such harsh conditions. They often engage in rituals and ceremonies to honor the spirits of the land and seek their favor in hunting and combat.   In summary, the culture and cultural heritage of white dragons are shaped by their primal instincts, icy habitats, and emphasis on strength and dominance. Through their oral tradition, social hierarchy, and connection to their environment, white dragons have developed a rich and complex culture that reflects their status as apex predators of the frozen wilderness.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The common customs and observed traditions of white dragons are deeply ingrained in their instinctual behaviors and adaptations to their icy habitats. These customs and traditions serve to reinforce their social hierarchy, strengthen their bonds with their environment, and ensure their survival in the harsh wilderness. One of the most fundamental customs among white dragons is the ritual of hunting and scavenging. From a young age, white dragon wyrmlings are taught the art of hunting by their parents, honing their skills in tracking, stalking, and ambushing prey. Hunting is not only a means of sustenance but also a rite of passage and a demonstration of strength and cunning.   Another important tradition among white dragons is the establishment of territory and the defense of their domains. White dragons are fiercely territorial creatures, and they mark their territory with scent markings, claw marks, and other signs to ward off intruders. They engage in territorial disputes with rival dragons and other predators, using intimidation and displays of strength to assert their dominance.   White dragons also have customs related to their social hierarchy and leadership structure. The most powerful and dominant individuals within a clan or community often hold positions of leadership, enforcing order and discipline among their followers. Respect for authority and deference to higher-ranking individuals are integral aspects of white dragon society.   Additionally, white dragons engage in rituals and ceremonies to honor the spirits of the land and seek their favor. These rituals may involve offerings of prey, prayers to nature spirits, and symbolic gestures to demonstrate reverence for the natural world. By paying homage to the spirits of their environment, white dragons believe they can gain their favor and ensure bountiful hunts and successful ventures.   Furthermore, white dragons have customs related to courtship and mating. During the breeding season, male dragons engage in elaborate displays of strength and prowess to attract potential mates, while females carefully evaluate potential partners based on their physical condition and hunting abilities. Courtship rituals often involve aerial displays, combat competitions, and elaborate dances designed to impress and woo potential mates.   Overall, the common customs and observed traditions of white dragons reflect their primal instincts, social dynamics, and deep connection to their environment. These customs serve to reinforce their identity as apex predators of the frozen wilderness and ensure the continued survival and prosperity of their species.

Common Taboos

Taboos are pivotal in shaping the behavior and societal structure of white dragons, ingrained deeply within their cultural fabric to regulate conduct and maintain order. Violations of these taboos can yield severe repercussions, ranging from social ostracism to outright conflict within the dragon community. Here are some of the most prominent taboos among white dragons, each serving as a pillar of their cultural identity and survival in the frozen tundra: Respect for Elders: Within white dragon society, elders command profound reverence as repositories of wisdom and experience. It is a fundamental taboo to disrespect or challenge the authority of older individuals, as they embody the collective knowledge of generations past. Younger dragons are expected to defer to their elders, seeking guidance and wisdom in matters of hunting, territory, and leadership.   Territorial Sovereignty: White dragons fiercely safeguard their territories, viewing any encroachment as a direct affront to their autonomy and survival. Violating another dragon's territory is considered a grave taboo, often sparking territorial disputes and escalating tensions among neighboring clans. Dragons navigate these boundaries with vigilance, ensuring the sanctity of their hunting grounds and nesting sites.   Stewardship of Resources: White dragons hold a profound respect for the natural world, understanding the delicate balance of their icy habitats. Wastefulness is regarded as taboo, with dragons striving to utilize every resource efficiently and sustainably. Hunting and scavenging practices are conducted with precision, ensuring that no part of the prey goes to waste and that the ecosystem remains in equilibrium.   Loyalty and Integrity: Trust is paramount among white dragons, forming the bedrock of their social cohesion and mutual support. Any act of betrayal or treachery is met with swift retribution, as dragons rely on collective cooperation to navigate the harsh wilderness. Those found guilty of betrayal are ostracized from the community, their actions seen as a betrayal of the dragon kinship and solidarity.   Protection of Sacred Sites: White dragons revere certain locations within their territory as sacred, imbued with spiritual significance and cultural heritage. Desecration or disrespect of these sites is taboo, considered an affront to the spirits of the land and the collective memory of the dragon community. Dragons guard these sacred sites vigilantly, ensuring their preservation for future generations.   Preservation of Tradition: White dragons hold steadfast to their cultural traditions, rituals, and values, viewing them as a linchpin of their identity and resilience. Disregarding or disrespecting these traditions is taboo, as it undermines the cohesion and continuity of the dragon society. Dragons uphold these customs with reverence, passing them down through generations to uphold their cultural legacy.   In summary, taboos serve as a guiding framework for white dragons, shaping their behavior, social interactions, and environmental stewardship. Upholding these taboos is essential for maintaining harmony and stability within the dragon community, ensuring their continued survival amidst the harsh realities of the frozen wilderness.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Glacialis draconis
Average Height
20-30 feet (6.09-9.14 meters)
Average Weight
1,000-3,000 pounds (450-1,360 kilograms)
Average Length
20-50 feet (6.09-15.24 meters)
Average Physique
lean and streamlined physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White dragons exhibit a range of colors from white to grey and ice-blue, perfectly suited for camouflage in their snowy habitats. Their scales have a pearlescent sheen, giving them a frosty appearance. Some individuals may have darker or lighter patches, depending on their environment and age. Younger white dragons tend to have brighter, whiter scales, while older ones may develop a slightly darker hue due to exposure to dirt and debris. Their scales are smooth and reflective, helping them blend into their surroundings and evade detection by prey or enemies. White dragons typically lack prominent markings or patterns, relying instead on their coloration to provide camouflage in their icy habitats.


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