Red Dragonborn

Introducing the Red Dragonborn, also known as the Flamekin, a formidable and commanding species within the esteemed Draconian lineage. Descended from the proud and fiery red dragons, the Flamekin embody the ferocity, ambition, and cunning nature of their draconic forebears. With scales that shimmer like molten lava and eyes that blaze with an inner fire, they exude an aura of power and dominance, their presence commanding respect and fear alike.   Driven by an insatiable hunger for power and glory, the Flamekin possess an indomitable will and an unyielding determination to conquer and dominate all who stand in their way. Like their red dragon ancestors, they are fiercely territorial and possessive of their domain, brooking no challenge to their authority and fiercely defending what is rightfully theirs. They are natural leaders and strategists, able to inspire loyalty and obedience from their followers through a combination of charisma, intimidation, and sheer force of will.   Yet, beneath their fiery exterior lies a complex psychology shaped by the dual nature of their draconic heritage. While they may appear ruthless and uncompromising to outsiders, the Flamekin are also driven by a deep-seated sense of loyalty and kinship towards their own kind, valuing the bonds of family and clan above all else. They are fiercely protective of their loved ones and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, even at great personal cost.   In terms of behavior, the Flamekin are known for their love of challenge and adventure, constantly seeking out new opportunities to test their mettle and prove their superiority. They are drawn to conflict and confrontation, relishing the thrill of battle and the opportunity to demonstrate their strength and skill on the field of combat. Yet, they are also shrewd and calculating, capable of biding their time and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, like a predator stalking its prey.   In conclusion, the Flamekin embody the proud and commanding nature of their red dragon ancestors, possessing an indomitable will, an insatiable thirst for power, and a fierce loyalty to their own kind. With their fiery hearts burning with the flame of ancient dragonkind, they stand as formidable leaders and warriors within the Draconian lineage, their presence a testament to the enduring power and majesty of dragonkind.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Flamekin, descendants of red dragons, inherit a striking array of biological traits that reflect their draconic lineage and fiery nature. At the core of their physiology are their scales, which shimmer in vibrant shades of crimson, orange, and gold, reminiscent of molten lava and burning embers. These scales provide the Flamekin with natural armor, protecting them from both physical harm and elemental assaults. In addition to their scales, Flamekin possess elongated faces with sharp, angular features, reminiscent of the snouts and jaws of red dragons. Their eyes, often a blazing hue of red or gold, exude an intense inner fire, reflecting their fiery temperament and primal instincts. Furthermore, Flamekin possess a set of formidable claws and fangs, capable of rending through flesh and bone with ease, allowing them to hunt and defend themselves with deadly precision.   One of the most notable biological traits of the Flamekin is their ability to breathe forth torrents of fire, a signature ability inherited from their red dragon ancestors. With a deep inhalation, they can unleash streams of searing flame that can reduce even the sturdiest of foes to ash. This ability is not only a formidable weapon in battle but also serves practical purposes, such as providing warmth, cooking food, or clearing obstacles.   Another unique biological trait of the Flamekin is their heightened resistance to fire and heat. Unlike most creatures, they are able to withstand scorching temperatures and intense flames without suffering harm, allowing them to thrive in environments that would be inhospitable to others. This resilience to fire extends to their metabolism as well, allowing them to consume and digest even the most incendiary of substances without adverse effects.   Overall, the biological traits of the Flamekin reflect their draconic heritage and fiery nature, imbuing them with strength, resilience, and a primal connection to the elemental forces of fire. With their scales shimmering like molten metal and their eyes burning with an inner fire, they stand as proud and formidable representatives of their red dragon ancestors, their presence a testament to the enduring power and majesty of dragonkind.


The behavior and psychology of Flamekin Dragonborn are deeply rooted in their complex relationship with their genetic ancestors, the red dragons, and influenced by the fiery temperament and primal instincts of these powerful creatures. From a young age, Flamekin Dragonborn are instilled with a profound reverence and admiration for their red dragon forebears, viewing them as paragons of strength, dominance, and raw power. They strive to emulate the characteristics and behaviors of red dragons, seeking to embody their ferocity, ambition, and unwavering determination in all aspects of their lives.   Like their red dragon ancestors, Flamekin Dragonborn possess an intense and fiery temperament, prone to bouts of rage, aggression, and impulsiveness. They are quick to anger and slow to forgive, often reacting with fury and violence to perceived slights or challenges to their authority. However, beneath this outward display of aggression lies a deep-seated sense of pride and honor, as Flamekin Dragonborn fiercely uphold the values of strength, courage, and resilience that define their lineage.   Furthermore, the behavior and psychology of Flamekin Dragonborn are shaped by their innate connection to the elemental forces of fire, which courses through their veins like molten lava. They are drawn to environments of extreme heat and intensity, thriving in volcanic regions and areas of active volcanic activity where the flames of their draconic heritage burn brightest. In these fiery crucibles, Flamekin Dragonborn feel most at home, their primal instincts awakened and their senses heightened by the searing heat and intensity of their surroundings.   In terms of societal structure, Flamekin Dragonborn often organize themselves into clans or tribes, led by powerful chieftains or warlords who command respect and obedience through sheer force of will. These leaders are revered as living embodiments of the fiery power and dominance of red dragons, their authority unquestioned and their word law. Within these clans, Flamekin Dragonborn compete fiercely for status and dominance, engaging in ritual combat and displays of strength to prove their worthiness and earn the respect of their peers.   Overall, the behavior and psychology of Flamekin Dragonborn are characterized by a complex interplay of aggression, pride, and honor, shaped by their genetic lineage and primal instincts as descendants of red dragons. With their fiery hearts burning with the flame of ancient dragonkind, they stand as proud and formidable representatives of their lineage, their presence a testament to the enduring power and majesty of dragonkind.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Flamekin Dragonborn harness their fiery breath for combat and practical purposes, like heating metal or igniting fires. Byproducts include their scales and claws, valued for armor and weapons. Their explorations focus on volcanic regions and ancient ruins, seeking knowledge and artifacts tied to their draconic heritage.

Facial characteristics

The Flamekin Dragonborn boast a regal and imposing visage, adorned with a distinctive horn pattern reminiscent of their red dragon ancestors. Their faces are framed by prominent horns that sweep back from their temples, curving slightly upwards before tapering to sharp points. These horns serve as a symbol of their draconic lineage and add to their intimidating presence. Additionally, Flamekin Dragonborn often have sharp, angular facial features, including pronounced cheekbones and a strong jawline, further enhancing their resemblance to the majestic red dragons from which they descend.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, akin to red dragons.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
7’6”-8’6” (2.29-2.59 meters)
Average Weight
250-350lbs (113-159kg)
Average Physique
Towering and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vibrant red scales with fiery undertones, accentuated by dark crimson markings.
Related Ethnicities

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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