Chromatic Dragonborn

The Chromatic Dragonborn of Ostrium are a fierce and formidable sub-race, bearing the traits and attributes of their chromatic dragon ancestors. With scales that shimmer in hues of red, blue, green, black, or white, they embody the elemental powers and primal instincts of their draconic lineage.   Each Chromatic Dragonborn inherits the unique abilities of their chromatic dragon forebears, allowing them to breathe forth torrents of fire, arcs of lightning, clouds of acid, or blasts of frost with devastating force. Their scales provide them with natural armor and protection against physical and elemental attacks, while their innate magical abilities allow them to wield arcane powers with skill and precision.   In terms of temperament, Chromatic Dragonborn are known for their fierce and competitive nature, often engaging in acts of bravado and aggression to prove their strength and dominance. They are cunning strategists and formidable warriors, using their elemental powers and cunning tactics to overcome their foes and emerge victorious in battle.   Despite their ferocity and aggression, Chromatic Dragonborn possess a strong sense of loyalty and kinship towards their own kind, often banding together in clans or tribes to defend their territories and assert their dominance over rivals. They revere their chromatic dragon ancestors as paragons of power and strength, paying homage to them through rituals, ceremonies, and offerings.

Basic Information


The behavior and psychology of Chromatic Dragonborn are deeply influenced by their complex relationship with their draconic ancestors, characterized by a mixture of pride, resentment, and a constant struggle for validation. From an early age, Chromatic Dragonborn are acutely aware of their status as lesser beings in the eyes of the Chromatic Dragons, born from the union of dragon and humanoid and lacking the raw power and authority that defines true dragons.   As a result of this awareness, Chromatic Dragonborn often exhibit a fierce determination to prove themselves worthy of their draconic heritage, seeking to overcome the stigma and prejudice that surrounds their mixed lineage. They may engage in acts of bravado and aggression, striving to demonstrate their strength and prowess in battle in order to earn the respect and recognition of their chromatic dragon kin. However, beneath this outward display of confidence lies a deep-seated insecurity and fear of rejection, driving them to constantly seek validation and approval from those they perceive as superior.   Furthermore, the behavior of Chromatic Dragonborn is shaped by a sense of resentment and bitterness towards their chromatic dragon ancestors, who view them as unworthy and undeserving of their respect and recognition. This resentment may manifest in acts of rebellion or defiance, as Chromatic Dragonborn seek to assert their independence and autonomy in the face of the dragons' condescension and scorn. However, this defiance is often tempered by a sense of pragmatism and self-preservation, as Chromatic Dragonborn recognize the power and authority wielded by their draconic kin and seek to avoid direct confrontation whenever possible.   Despite their struggles with identity and self-worth, Chromatic Dragonborn possess a fierce sense of loyalty and kinship towards their own kind, banding together in clans or tribes to support and protect one another in the face of adversity. They draw strength from their shared heritage and shared experiences, finding solace and camaraderie in the company of their fellow Dragonborn. Together, they strive to carve out a place for themselves in the world, forging their own destiny and defying the expectations placed upon them by their chromatic dragon ancestors.   In conclusion, the behavior and psychology of Chromatic Dragonborn are shaped by their complex relationship with their draconic heritage, marked by a constant struggle for validation and recognition in the face of prejudice and scorn. Despite their challenges, Chromatic Dragonborn possess a fierce determination and resilience that allows them to overcome adversity and forge their own path in the world, standing as proud and defiant representatives of their mixed lineage.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Chromatic Dragons

The relationship between the Chromatic Dragons and their Dragonborn offspring is one fraught with complexity, marked by a mixture of disdain, disappointment, and begrudging acceptance. In the eyes of the Chromatic Dragons, the Dragonborn are seen as lesser beings, unworthy of the same reverence and respect accorded to their true dragon kin. Born from the union of dragon and humanoid, they are viewed as impure and diluted reflections of their draconic ancestors, lacking the raw power, majesty, and authority that defines true dragons.   As a result of this perception, the Chromatic Dragons often treat their Dragonborn offspring with a sense of disdain and condescension, regarding them as inferior creatures destined to live in the shadow of their true dragon kin. They may subject the Dragonborn to scorn, ridicule, or even outright neglect, viewing them as unworthy of attention or investment. In the eyes of the Chromatic Dragons, the Dragonborn are little more than whelps, doomed to languish in obscurity and mediocrity, their potential forever stunted by their mixed heritage.   Despite their disdain for the Dragonborn, however, the Chromatic Dragons reluctantly acknowledge their usefulness as minions and servants in their schemes and machinations. While they may never possess the raw power and authority of true dragons, the Dragonborn still wield formidable abilities and talents that can be harnessed for the dragons' benefit. As such, the Chromatic Dragons may reluctantly employ their Dragonborn offspring as agents, spies, or enforcers, sending them on missions and errands that require a more subtle touch or a degree of deniability.   However, even as they reluctantly utilize their Dragonborn offspring, the Chromatic Dragons never fully trust or respect them, always keeping them at arm's length and treating them as disposable assets rather than valued allies. They may subject the Dragonborn to tests, trials, and tribulations, seeking to prove their worthiness or exploit their weaknesses for their own gain. In the eyes of the Chromatic Dragons, the Dragonborn will never be true dragons, and they will always be seen as unworthy and undeserving of the same status and privileges afforded to their draconic kin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Related Ethnicities


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