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Denawyn was formerly the domain of the god-king Jedrak and once ruled a large section of the Eastern Continent. It was known for its martial prowess, strict social hierarchies, and almost fanatical devotion to proper paperwork and was named for and ruled by Denawyn (now also deceased), the demigod son of Jedrak.   Following Jedrak's death, the kingdom fractured into a number of warring states, several of which are governed by his descendants.   Currently two of these warring states still claim the name of Denawyn, while the others have chosen new designations. The most stable of these successor states is Svoboda , ruled by Dalan ar-Volodar ar-Elomyr ar-Denawyn ar-Jedrak.


The Old Kingdom of Denawyn took up most of the southern part of the Eastern Continent. It extended from the eastern coast of the continent to the large inland sea known as the Splashy Deeps. It shared a tense land border with the Free Cities above it, and extended west along the continent’s ‘tongue’ to reach the Stormspray Ocean, which separates the continents. The kingdom’s southern border was the bottom tip of the continent.   Despite its long coastline Denawyn was never a significant naval power. While fishing and maritime trade made up a decent chunk of the kingdom’s economy, but naval operations were limited to anti-piracy patrols. Denawyn’s primary military force was its army.   There is no official date for the founding of Denawyn, since it was claimed by Jedrak before there was any formal calendar.   The capital city of Jedraksburg sat on the coast, with ample access to the waters courtesy of several natural harbors in the area. This was the country’s initial seat of power and home to its elite and to the royal family. The city itself was smaller than some of the bigger trade hubs in the west, lacking the urban sprawl of somewhere like Breth , or the careful urban planning of Herakarat.Life in Denawyn was strictly regimented place and many of its citizens were engaged in some sort of government or military service.
Geopolitical, Country

Tense, occasional border skirmishes


Hostile, occasional armed conflict


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