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Svoboda is ruled by Dalan ar-Volodar ar-Elomyr ar-Denawyn ar-Jedrak and makes up a sizeable chunk of the former lands of Denawyn, particularly those bordering The Free Cities. Unlike its successor state, Svoboda has embraced the arcane arts; this is largely because of the University of Svoboda Institute of Thaumaturgy, a new magical academy established by Aravel Dimfalmaion, the king's husband.   Svoboda's military is formidable for its size, in part due to magical support and also the martial prowess of its high general Zyak, former ruler of the Azure Kingdom. The new nation's strength is supported by a mutual-defense pact with The Free Cities.
Geopolitical, Country

Friendly, mutual-defense pact

Friendly, regular trade partners

The mutual friendship between Dalan ar-Volodar ar-Elomyr ar-Denawyn ar-Jedrak and the Azure Kingdom's former monarch Zyak have led to a similarly amicable relationship between their two kingdoms. When Zyak abdicated his throne he settled in Svoboda and serves as the leader of its military. Ocean trade between Svoboda and the Azure Kingdom has proved prosperous for both parties

Tense, occasional border skirmishes



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