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The dragons of Ostrov are different than those elsewhere in the multiverse, serving a role similar to angels or avatars in other pantheons. The five First Ones are of a comparable age to the oldest demigods and have a number of traits in common with them such as magical potency and immortality. All dragons are descended from these first five.
  • Lith - Gold (he/him)
  • Saba  - Silver (she/her)
  • Namhu  - Bronze (he/they)
  • Ammit  - Brass (they/them)
  • Ditani  - Copper (she/her)
All dragons are born inherently pointed toward good. As they mature they tend to become guardians and protectors for people of other races and for the natural world. Sometimes however, a dragon falls. The reasons are as varied as the dragons themselves, but common factors tend to be greed, jealousy, or anger. There have been no known instances of a dragon once fallen rising back to restore its original nature and those who have lost a dragon relative or friend in this way to mourn them as if they were dead. A fallen dragon's color changes from metallic to chromatic as follows:
  • Gold to Red
  • Silver to White
  • Bronze to Blue
  • Brass to Black
  • Copper to Green
Regardless of color all dragons have an inborn habit to hoard. What they covet will vary from dragon to dragon, but by the time they reach full maturity each will invariably have some things that they consider ‘theirs’ and from which they will not be parted.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragon breeding is different than most other sentient races. If a dragon wishes to have a child they must complete a complex and demanding series of magical rituals. These are more easily done with the aid of one or more partners, but only one dragon parent is required for a hatching to be successful. Physical intimacy is an optional element of the ritual when completed by more than one dragon. The complexity of the magic involved means a dragon must be well into adulthood before having children of their own. As an almost universal rule, in order to participate in the spellcasting to make a new dragon, one must be a dragon themselves. Dragons who partner with other sentient beings therefore conduct the rituals in much the same way as a single parent would. The only known exception to this is Faervel, who while not a dragon herself, was able to take up her sharing of the casting to bring about her son Emryth.

A dragon egg must incubate for between one and two years, depending on the color of the egg and the specific rituals its parents used to make it. While it is common for a draconic parent to pass their color on to their offspring, it is not universal, and many a gold dragon has gone on to have copper, or bronze, or silver children. Not all dragons choose to reproduce and those that do rarely have more than two or three children over their very long lives. As a result, dragons are likely the smallest of the races in terms of population.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons mature slowly, becoming young adults around age 100, but not considered fully mature until closer to 350 or 400. Dragons of all kinds have the power to lay down their natural immortality if they choose, although this option is usually only taken by those who are already ancient.

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