Alagbara Settlement in Ostyria | World Anvil


"Come quickly! Once we make it to the free city all our troubles will be over."
— Escapee from Camp Udo

On Lanfe there are many camps, villages, towns and cities either ruled by fiends or roaming around on RIMs. Life is hard for most and the people live in a constant state of struggle. It is rare to find opulence or even a semblance of prosperity on Lanfe, but the free city of Alagbara is the exception.

Settled in the northern most tip of Lanfe, Alagbara is a grounded caravan of RIMs that have been turned into a city of legend. Founded by Nasir the Exalted, Alagbara is meant to thrive as a bastion of humanity and a refuge from the scourge of fiends that rule the rest of the land.


All of the inhabitants of Alagbara are humanoids that were apart of Nasir the Exalted's caravan before he decided to ground it. Originally being an exalted purger company most of the citizens are Purgers or family members of one. Having heard of the city many merchants have come to the city as well. There are few amongst the populace that were not apart of the original company and are from a camp ran by fiends.


Alagbara is ran the same as it was when it roamed Lanfe since Nasir the Exalted is still mostly large and in charge. His rules are the only rules that matter whether good or bad. All who are able to work must do so, Purgers are sent on small hunting and gathering expeditions, artisans craft for the city and for the people, and children learn trades or train, the people's work for the city are their tithe to it.


Being a city on grounded RIMs provide the traditional protection most on Lanfe are used to. The presence of an exalted, his generals and many other Purgers are the next level of protection and the most impactful. Most people in Alagbara do not worry about their safety whether this is naïve or not has yet to be seen.


The largest infrastructural feat of Alagbara are the bridges that connect the various RIMs that make up the city. Unlike the cables that usually connect RIMs these bridges are permanent and stable.


Alagbara is made up of roughly 20 settlement-class RIMs, most are military focused but others were farms and crafting centers. The first district makes up the border of the city and are mainly barracks and fields patrolled by Purgers and is the home base for the purgers of the city. The second district is the immediate inner ring and is the market and production district of the city. The third district are the homesteads, where most of the populace lives, eats, drinks, and sleeps. The final district is the castle where Nasir the Exalted conducts city business from and is the last place of safety in the city.

Founding Date
1000 PC
Alternative Name(s)
Bastion of Hope, Nasir's Keep, The Free City
Location under

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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