Aarakocra Species in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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A race of humanoid birdpeople, Brian being the most relevant example.   For a readily available description of the race, I reference the source material available at DnDBeyond.

Basic Information


A large pair of wings stretch across their backs, limiting them from wearing heavier types of armor and continuing to fly. Fully extended, If Brian is a good example, they have a wingspan of just under 15 feet. He has white feathering with dark patches along the majority of his body, excluding his beak and lower legs, which end in clawed avian feet.

Ecology and Habitats

Brian has acknowledged that he is from the world of Coluria, but is unfamiliar with the Kingdom of Light's Crest. He and Xenk both mentioned in passing that his people are from high in the mountains of the continent of Mog'Fa, although details beyond that have been sparse.   Geras Vinefoot mentioned to the party that he had seen some aarakocran sailors from time to time down in Ferry End.

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