Xenk Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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Elementalist Xenk is a gnome wizard that, as far as Brian is concerned, has spent his entire life at his roost, training the more talented of his flock in the ways of the arcane, and acting as something of an emissary from his people.   Upon Brian's disappearance, Xenk called in some favors to track him down to the areas just outside of Mudwater, and was teleported there to track him down.   Running into Wick as he entered town after his failed dive into the ruined battlefield, Xenk learned that he had come across a group including an aarakocra, and that Wick expected them to come this way in the next day or two.   So Xenk waited with him, finally encountering Brian and the others the next day at The Blushing Crow. After being filled in by the party on the past few days, Xenk directs the party to Riverbell, where a gnomish laboratory would be able to help unravel their unexpected teleporation. He hands off to Brian an old family heirloom of his; a compass that he described as capable of "pointing you where you need to go." The following morning, he departs for Morrow to investigate the location that the party had warped in to.
Current Location
Piercing Gray
Bushy full green beard, balding on top.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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