Bastimaar Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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A God in the world of Coluria. His symbol appears to be a thorned vine, tied into an intricate, infinite knot.   Nicknamed "Pasta Bar" by Tilly.   Frowned upon by both the The Church of Vera and the Kingdom of Light's Crest as a god whose organization is tied to the Fel, corruption of life, and the great wars of the past.   As described by Noggie and Dharrakir, he is the god of potential, of evolution and progress. That through Dharrakir and his blessing, any mortal strong enough can become a god. The transformation of the world and its people to godhood, so as to remove the hierarchical nature of existence is Bastimaar's stated goal.   Through some sort of trial, one can be blessed as one of Bastimaar's avatars, although the risk and result of failing said trial is apparently death. But with success, comes Bastimaar's Blessing, which is said to grant the bearer improved capability with the things they are most capable of, increased fortitude, and a variety of other biological conditions, such as acidic, green blood. Dharrakir, a Tiefling, is said to have grown a pair of wings, a trait associated with his dormant, devil heritage.

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