Fel Condition in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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"The Fel are... wrong. They're human, elves, dwarves, and the rest as far as I know. But.... broken, mutated, warped. Feral and monstrous." -Wick
  The true nature of the Fel is at best a second hand account by Wick, at least in any direct sense. Considered a corruption by society within Kingdom of Light's Crest and The Church of Vera. The invaders of The Second Fel War were known to be Fel, as were (one can assume) those of the first.   The party has had only a single direct encounter with anything fel, and only Brian realizes it. When he returned Lindra to the Vera's Cathedral for emergency aid, Priest at Arms Keph expressed that the green ichor she appeared to have been fed was reminiscent of the blood of those that have been corrupted, but the process had yet to take hold on her, and a quick spellcast on Keph's part appeared to remedy it.   Later on, through discussions with Noggie and Dharrakir, the physical characteristics of Bastimaar's Blessing are described as being similar to those of the fel, but with their minds and humanity intact. However, the true nature in which these two conditions are different is vague, and Dharrakir was at best an untrustworthy source.
Fel cover

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