Lorrel's Tower Plot in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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Lorrel's Tower

"Hmm? Oh, I don't go upstairs any more. Too hard on the knees. Don't rightly remember what's up there anymore anyway...." -Lorrel

Plot points/Scenes

The Fog of Time

The party entered Lorrel Frostfrazzle's home with little expectations beyond saying hi and taking a cursory look around. Curious about the above floors when Lorrel expressed that he lived exclusively on the first floor for as long as he could remember (and remembering things was not his strong suit, as was made apparent very quickly), the party, initially just Bulgey made their way upstairs to find a series of strange rooms. Bulgey recognized immediately that something was up, and attempted to inquire with Lorrel's roommate cat Chemmy about what it knew, but the cat was either unable to answer or didn't want to.  


While Bulgey tried to unravel with Fork and Brian why there was a chair in the middle of the room that only he could see (shifting from wood, to stone, to iron, and back), Tilly and Vita explored further, eventually determining that there was some sort of puzzle in place.   Working from the top floor down, they managed to perfectly select the appropriate arcane schools from the wall panels for each floor, which revealed a stairwell in Lorrel's home floor down to a basement.  

Parting the Fog

Descending to the basement, the party discovered an intricately carved chest, covered in fey symbology. After Fork confirmed it was not trapped, he opened it to the party to reveal a variety of items, some money, and a small envelope with a lock of golden hair within it.   Brian, suspicious of Lorrel's demeanor thus far, drags him down to this basement demanding to know what was going on, but Lorrel could only shrug. It wasn't until everyone regrouped upstairs, and Lorrel touched the lock of hair, that things finally became clearer for him.   He clarified some of his earlier ramblings. He had gone to the Feywild already, with his companions Durell, Myshal, Samma, and his imp, Kimaru. He still however, had trouble remembering how he had returned, or what had become of his allies. Vita noted that those returning from other planes can on occasion lose time or memories, and suspects that is what happened to Lorrel. He looked fondly at the hair he was holding, mentioning that it belonged to someone they had met, a @nymph, although he did not elaborate further. As thanks for the party recovering this apparently cherished possession, he gladly offered up the rest of what they had found in the chest.   As this was going on, Chemmy returned to Lorrel's side, staring intently at his master. Maldwyn seemed to notice something about the animal, and they exchanged some glances, but nothing more came of it.   The party, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for their recent travels, decided to part with Lorrel and finally make their way into Mudwater.

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