The Second Fel War Military Conflict in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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The Second Fel War

"Some big war, before my time. It nearly destroyed all civilization, and shattered the world, as far as I understand it." -Wick
  While details are sketchy as far as the party is concerned, their own experiences in the ruined battlefield, combined with what Wick explained to them before they entered it, paints a grim picture of a time at least a couple hundred years prior; a titanic war between invading Fel armies from some other plane, and the inhabitants of this material plane and their allies. Outside of Mudwater lies the remnants and memorials to a battle of this war; listed as "The Battle of the Third Fel Rune" on the roadside plaque that the party discovered. On the side against the Fel appears to have been some noble of the Air Elemental Plane, Windlord Erhimit.

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