Our "d'town d&d" game Session 8: Moths to a Flame
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Session 8: Moths to a Flame

5/6 20:00
6/6 10:00

The party has an eventful night of rest, to be ambushed by an unknown group of assailants as they continue south.

The party sets up camp in the grove of trees, taking shifts to keep watch. Wick sets his familiar up to assist in the watch, while Brian and Fork take first watch. They glimpse one of the eyeball creatures during their shift, as it bypasses the camp heading north; where a short time later the sounds of a scuffle occur. The pair, aware of the danger but keen on maintaining camp, stay put with their resting compatriots, and their shift continues uneventfully. Vita, Tilly, and Neshto pick up on second shift; spending their time both teaching and pranking Neshto. A green eye seems to watch for a while, before disappearing north into the darkness, leaving the party be for the rest of the night. On third shift Bulgey and Wick get to know Neshto Fael’Morra, and offer him a few pointers as well. Their talk is interrupted as a few web wrapped objects fall from the treetops; their webbing scorched by the fire. A small humanoid, either Halfling or Gnome, along with the body of a dog, whose unusual clawed mitts were given to Maldwyn.   As "morning" arrives, the party continues southward, the snow falling and billowing, making travel difficult but not impossible. The road, barely visible through the snow, leads the party to what appeared to be the ruins of a small village, where a campfire and small elf girl sat nestled for warmth in the middle of it. As the party approached, the girl seemed to notice the party, and dart off south into the dark. Attempting to show that they meant no harm, Brian flew himself quickly into the light to attempt to call the girl back.   That there were four archers waiting with bows drawn was certainly a surprise to Brian, and his immediate collapse in front of the fire a surprise to the rest of the party, still about 50 feet back. Tilly , in an effort to cut their assailant's visibility, blew out the fire with a gust of wind while the others began working their way through the ruins for the ambushers. Fork, utilizing stealth to take a more direct route, is the first to find an unconscious Brian being dragged away from the fight by the elf girl. With assistance from Tilly, Maldwyn, and Vita's spirit healer, they were able to clear the room and return Brian to consciousness; all the while Bulgey and Vita swept through one arm of the ruins, with Wick and Neshto clearing the other.   The ambush ruined, and their numbers dwindling, the remainder of the assailants attempt to flee, while Tilly managed to put one to sleep for questioning. The elf girl, now dead, reverted to the form of an adult elf woman, horribly disfigured.   The party planned some lines of questioning and intimidation for the unconscious robed figure, as the session ended.

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