Our "d'town d&d" game Session 10: Strange Bedfellows
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Session 10: Strange Bedfellows

6/6 11:00
6/6 13:00

The party is invited into the camp, and tries to untangle the nature of their business.

A More detailed writeup of this session can be found here.     The party takes up Dharrakir's offer of shelter and joins him in his camp; taking the opportunity to scout the surrounding area and gather information about his plans. Wick, Brian, and Fork all spot a temple nestled in the cliffs above the camp, but nothing concrete suggesting the creature that they've been tracking.   In the camp, the party is introduced to Dharrakir, the mercenaries Goll and Werts, and the unexpected Riris, who managed to sneak back into the camp without Dharrakir's knowledge. The tension of their meeting is disarmed to a degree as it becomes clear this was no trap, along with Dharrakir's apparent willingness to share information to a degree. He did appear to draw a line however, only offering to help and inform to a degree before he insists on a volunteer for his god Bastimaar's trial, which Wick fervently warned against.   The party determines that the Seeker's Compass appears to point towards either Dharrakir, his tent, or Riris. Dharrakir demonstrated to the party a strange knife, expressing that it, and the temple above, were critical in the trial.

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