Our "d'town d&d" game Session 6: Arcane Aftershocks
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Session 6: Arcane Aftershocks

5/6 10:00
5/6 16:00

The party begins their trek south as the temperature drops, and the stranger effects of the sunfall start to become apparent.

On the Road

Eager to get on your way, the party opted to get out of town ASAP. After a quick stop with Varn, who had little to offer but well wishes, the party hit the road. After some discussions about the nature of planetary and planar bodies, along with some scavenging along the riverbank, the sky begins to fill slowly with clouds, and it begins to snow.   Approaching a bridge about four hours down the road ( Fork regaining his non-furry complexion), the party encounters a seriously injured young elf named Neshto Fael’Morra. After a heal from Vita and some encouragement, he joins the party in the investigation of a strange tree and subsequent creatures, that had ambushed him and his teacher just south of the bridge.  

Sinister Rumblings

Some tentative prods from a distance demonstrated to the party that indeed, something was around that tree. A cautionary sleep spell (investigation after the battle suggests to Tilly that these creatures were fey, and are immune to sleep spells) followed by a thrown flame started the fight, as the small yet vicious creatures erupt from the earth and attack the party. Combat took a more strategic tone than we’ve seen in the past overall. Brian, well accustomed to using flight to his advantage, managed to traverse the battlefield unimpeded, while Vita and Wick's control spells limited enemy movement and combined with Maldwyn's incessant doggy pouncing dealt heavy damage and severely hamstrung the stronger of the enemies, while Bulgey and Tilly took advantage of their capabilities at range to keep the enemies hurt and their allies healthy. Fork, utilizing new melee capabilities, darted from enemy to enemy unhindered, while Neshto took his newfound courage inspired by Bulgey, and embedded his staff (also from Bulgey) in the head of one of the creatures . A newfound healing spell from Vita helped the party escape this battle nearly unscathed.  

Grim Ceremonies

The body of Neshto's teacher Puyen, was not as fortunate as the party. A moment of true despair for Neshto was averted by the kindness of the party as a whole, especially Vita, who offered to continue his training as a druid. As thanks, he offered her his teacher’s old crown, which Wick went to work identifying, while the party had a solemn (and probably a little emotionally complicated) moment watching this strange, screaming tree burn to cinders, also offering an informal cremation for Puyen Fin'Greela.   By the time Wick's identify spell had completed, the party had completed a short rest. The snow continues to fall, and the warm ashes of their last encounter smolder by the side of the road, no longer a threat to the evacuees soon to make their way down the road.

Related Location
The King's Road
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