Our "d'town d&d" game Session 3: A Song of Fire and Ice, and also Earth and Air
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Session 3: A Song of Fire and Ice, and also Earth and Air

3/6 13:00
4/6 3:00

The party dives deep into the Windlord's Tomb.

Whispers on the Wind

Having recovered their energy with a short rest, the party pushed forward towards the orange leaved tree, where the ghost of an elven woman named Alana Fin'brell greeted them. Seemingly out of touch with her current location, and looking for her husband, the party managed to glean the likely location of the tomb from her, and continued on their way to the Windlord's Tomb.   A more detailed description of the below events can be found in the article for The Windlord's Tomb.  

A Test of Strength

Making relatively short work of a trapped door and a set of elemental torches, the party found themselves divided up for some sort of elemental combat test. Vita and Bulgey, finding themselves in a cramped space against an opponent immune to fire, found themselves on the brink of death, before the others were able to dispatch the fire creature and resuscitate the pair with potions. Vita, being given another of Dorro's Discount Draughts, found herself aglow with fire as she regained consciousness, thankfully unaffected by the flames.  

The Wind Lord's Final Test

Seeing the doors forward opened, the party stepped into what appeared to be the air elemental plane, on a lonely stone parapet suspended in the eternal sky, in front of a runed sarcophagus. Taking a long rest to recover their strength (and reminding Vita of the day before, which she had forgotten in her sleep), Brian challenged the Windlord Erhimit. After an extended and frustrating fight where most of the party found themselves restrained in strong winds, the Windlord gave a stern nod of approval and vanished. The runes on his sarcophagus faded, and his old equipment now available, along with a sizable sum of gold and gems.

Related Location
The Ruined Battlefield
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