The Ruined Battlefield Settlement in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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The Ruined Battlefield

The ruins of the memorials tombs, and graves, of those that fell during the Battle of the Third Fel Rune, which as described by Wick to the party, was during the The Second Fel War. It swirled with an otherworldly fog, even during the higher points of the day, obscuring the strange landscape. Barba, and now Wick warned the party that staying overnight in this area is dangerous.   At the entrance to the path leading towards this battlefield, the party found a small marble plaque, which among other worn down inscriptions, included a swirling symbol of air that Vita recognized as the crest of the city of Aaqa of the Air Elemental Plane, along with text in auran that Brian identified as reading "-omb of Windl--- -------".  

Encounters by the Party Within This Area

An overgrown courtyard full of blights.   A brilliant orange tree over a bog, with the ghost of Alana Fin'brell waiting patiently beneath it.   The Windlord's Tomb     Upon the party's departure from the Windlord's Tomb, the party found that the swirling mists of the battlefield had lifted.

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