The Sources
There are five Sources in the world, and they explain a lot about why the world is the way that it is. Recently, due to the nature of the Five Elders, it is theorized that the Sources went a little bonkers, if one holds to the idea that they exist at all.
The concept of a Source has existed for centuries now, as a theory for why some areas have more natural energy to them. It is thought that the Sources bind our wills, to a certain degree, holding us to particular paths.
To go along with it, the five Sources are meant to be located centrally, with the one in Maraphel affecting the northwest, Ankhenstrom affecting the northeast, Atazicolia affecting the southwest, and Denyithragorathia affecting the southeast. @Logenthru is the centralmost hub for this arrangement.
It is notable that the country of Yng-tox is the furthest away from any Source, and remained wilderness for a long period of time. Also, they have the most normal reputation of any of the countries which may be coincidence.
Metaphysical, Elemental