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Its nickname is “The Bureaucracy,” so named because Atazicolia has moved democracy to a previously unforeseen level of complexity. They have several levels of government, including the presidential office, the senate, the parliament, the house of commons, and that is only on the national level and does not include governmental agencies. The regional levels are just as layered, and even the counties are subject to multiple levels of decision making. All these officials are elected on varying time-scales, and there are enough positions that only 10% of the adult population has never held an elected position. Their form of government is so pervasive in their society that even when a heroic or evil leader sweeps in and takes control, elections will still be held shortly for his or her cabinet members. Even in the case of violent revolution and hostile takeovers, the elections for local officials will be held with all the usual ceremonies, and the presidential election will no doubt still be held on time and likely oust the interloper, or simply confirm this hapless person’s right to rule.   One of their more prominent leaders is Chris Regnomard, a son of the famous overlord Dramonger III. Another is Dramonger III’s brother Samedor, an aging if popular hero. One hallmark of heroes from this country is their insistence on including every member of their party in decisions.   Their architecture favors rectangles, and their buildings follow carefully constructed forms to the extent that maps that were valid two centuries ago are probably still accurate. The ruins of Pzeta-pachal can be found here.   Atazicolia was one of the Seven Kingdoms.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Direct

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

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