
(a.k.a. Da Boss)

"Uglub can remember the last of the 'old days' when the world was different..."

Uglub is a fearsome warrior. He was once the Boss of the Ogres, Orcs and Goblins when they worked as soldiers and guards for the Big Kingdoms and roamed the The Hard Lands. This was before they started living in the Pit 'N' Swet Tavern and the Creepy Crawly Woods.

The 'Old Days'

No-one knows how old he is or where he came from, and Uglub can't remember himself, but he has been around longer than the rest of the Krew and he can remember the last of the 'old days' when the world was different.

He remembers the last days of the Dark Elves attempted invasion of the surface world and how they were defeated by the Highlander Alliance in a mighty but brief battle. (Uglub fought on the losing side that day as part of the Dark Elf command team under Lord Shade, and only survived the battle through guile and some friendships he had made in his dealings with the Wood Elves in the Highland Alliance the previous evening).

He remembers then how the factions of the people emerged from that Alliance to form the political landscape of the world today.


Uglub the Scout

Before becoming a warrior, Uglub was a Scout, and despite his large size and apparent clumsiness, he can move fast and very quietly when he wants to. As the years and the campaigns wore on, Uglub became an accomplished battlefield commander in his own right. Even though he doesn't take the field any more, he still likes to keep fit and in shape. You can often see him practicing with his daggers, spear and bow if you get up early enough.


Uglub's armoury

He is a skilled articifer and armourer and runs his business from a barn behind the Pit 'N' Swet Tavern where he is constantly at work designing, building and crafting.

Uglub's Armoury is known for producing tough, durable, reliable equipment for adventurers. Whilst the standard items he produces tend to be on the heavier side (he is an ogre after all) he rarely has any complaints about durability of finish.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Uglub




Friend (Vital)

Towards Juran



Favourite colour


Favourite food

Something that’s quick to eat

Best Friend


Favourite item of clothing

Crossed dagger scabbards

Favourite place

His Armoury

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Uglub the Ogre by Noël Mallet


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