
"You'll never guess wot I've invented..."

Fishwhip is an Alchemist and has a laboratory in Norfwood Cave in the Creepy Crawly Woods.

It is filled with all sorts of exciting and unusual things of all different colours, smells and noises.

Labrat and Gobba often help him with his experiments. They are particularly good helpers because these two are the least surprised when something (other than Fishwhip) burps, whistles or erupts in a cloud of weird smoke.


Fishwhip firmly believes that no experiment can ever go wrong. It is just doing something correctly that you didn’t expect and you are well on the path to creating something valued and worthwhile.

Not all the goblins agree with him, but Fishwhip is always finding new ways to make everyday things that the goblins need.

Recently (after splattering the laboratory a really interesting shade of blue goo) he worked out how to make extra-long-lasting candles from a particular type of fungus he discovered in the Mushroom Farm Cave.


When he is not in his laboratory working on his experiments. Fishwhip enjoys being with his friends and meeting new people. He is easy to find at a party because of his loud and cheerful laugh, which brightens the mood wherever he goes.

In fact, it’s exactly the same sort of laugh you’ll hear from the laboratory when something interesting happens! This is why a lot of the Goblins flinch and duck when he laughs.

Favourite colour


Favourite Place

A party

Best Friend


Favourite Food

Cured Ham

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Fishwhip the Goblin Alchemist by Noël Mallet


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